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Woohoo finally

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I finally after weeks of testing found a wick that works good in my 2oz tins. :yay:I have tested so many wicks and written so many notes that I am cock eyed from it. Now I get to start testing all those great oils next and see which ones work with my wax and wick combo. :cheesy2: Maybe I will even get to sell some of them soon :smiley2: Ahhhh the testing never ends LOL

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Good for you!!:yay: I'm so glad you persevered to get your wicking "dialed in." Best of luck with the oils - once you get your basic information down, wicking for FOs should go easier and more quickly for you because of the experience you now have under your belt!! Congratulations!! :smiley2:

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Yes you can test without FO I allways test one like that first to see how my wax is gonna burn. Then If I like the way it burns I add my FO. I don't use color so I don't need to test that. If the wick needs to be adjusted I do so. When I get the kind of HT CT and burn I want from the FO I am working with then I go on to the next FO. But don't forget when you buy a new bottle of FO or a new case of wax you have to retest to make sure your candle still burns the way it is supose to. Testing is a never ending thing that must be done to ensure your candles burn right.

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Wait, so you can test wicking without FO? That's awesome

Well, sure you can! It gives you some experience with a new wax and a solid starting point for further project testing. Every different additive can change the burn characteristics, so it's wise to test slowly, adding ingredients one at a time, to see how the candle will perform. I tested with plain wax. Then I added dye. Then I added USA. Then I tested FOs one by one. The idea is to isolate the testing so if something gives you problems, you can easily point the finger at the culprit.

Dolphin is so correct about how testing never ends. Each new case of wax should be tested - no two are exactly the same even from within the same lot! Each new purchase of FO should be tested. Formulas change and no two bottles are identical. Most of the time, it's ho hum. But sometimes, subtle (or not so subtle) differences all conspire to make a difference in the product. Best to know that BEFORE you pour 144 candles for a fund raiser, etc.!!!

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Wait, so you can test wicking without FO? That's awesome, now I know I won't be wasting all kinds of FO trying to figure out wicking.

I HIGHLY recommend doing this. You can learn so much. For example, if a wick wax combination smokes with no frangrance or color, it's usually not going to smoke less with color and frangrance. :smiley2: You can also see if the wax itself discolors as it burns.

When you get your wick dialed in for the base wax, you will probably find as I did that a high percentage of fragrances will use that same wick. 90% of my 80 production fragrances use the same wick as the base wax.

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Congrats!! Just when I thought I had the wicking down, here comes a different batch of wax or the o-so-cute container that I must have. If I didn't love candles I wouldn't do it, right?!

I know what you mean. I found another cute container I want to use. So I guess it will be back to testing again LOL

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Looking at new glassware for me is just like walking through the bakery at the grocery store... I walk fast, I do NOT look to the left nor right and I continually whisper, "Get thee behind me Satan" until I am safely past temptation. Sometimes it even works! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

One container at a time, Grasshopper!! :smiley2:

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Looking at new glassware for me is just like walking through the bakery at the grocery store... I walk fast, I do NOT look to the left nor right and I continually whisper, "Get thee behind me Satan" until I am safely past temptation. Sometimes it even works! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

One container at a time, Grasshopper!! :smiley2:

OMG to funny stella. I know what you mean. Anytime I go shopping and I see lots of glass jars or nice containers that would make cute candles I have to try and get myself to just walk away. Yes I agree one at a time LOL

Edited by Dolphin146
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