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Cherry Blossom


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How about a vanilla? Vanilla goes with everything! Or maybe sandalwood? I am on a sandalwood kick at the moment (just poured Wild Currant Sandalwood(NG) and it is very nice). Or lets go way out on a limb and put a little Oakmoss & Amber or a straight Amber in it? I have no idea how they would work together, but they were the ones that popped into my head.



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I have NG's Bite Me and it smells like Cherry I like to Mix Brambleberry's Energy or Southern Garden Scents High Voltage with it 50/50. You could try the q-tip test with it.

Barbara AL

Edited by Barbara AL
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Thanks for the suggestions. The vanilla and rose suggestions sound good and I have both. Will do a scent test and see if one works out.

I also have some lime for a cherry limeade and some lemon for maybe a cherry lemonade. I do have a little bit of strawberry rhubarb. Maybe that with a touch of lime for a berry lemonade.

Edited by Candybee
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I like the cherry lemonade idea. I love floral lemonades (orange blossom/rose water, like you get at mediteranian restraunts) so I think any floral notes would mix just fine.

Another one I've played with and enjoyed is cinnamon and cherry. I think it smells fun like candy, carnivals and warm summer nights. You'd probobly want to add a sweet note too it too.

Other ideas -- bakery scents -- cherry pie, cherry tart

Musk scents. Actually a cherry vanilla musk combination was a fairly popular perfume a few years back. You could get a similar affect with any heady scent really: jasmine, patchouli, amber, even some of the perfume scents with a fun cherry edge

Oh and has anyone mentioned chocolate? Chocolate cherries are kind of classic. Or you could mix with an almond and get more like a marchino cherry.

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Ooo! That sounds nice. No kiwi thou. But when I mix strawberry rhubarb and lime I call it Strawberry Kiwi and nobody knows the diff. Thats what made me think of adding the lime and SR to the cherry.

I also have some CS Honeydew Melon that might mix well with the Cherry Blossom.

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Wow melon. I wouldn't of thought of that. But I'd totally do it & call it Orchard Picnic! I bet it will smell great.

It is my opinion that anything CAN be mixed with anything else and smell good if you get the proportions right and throw in a supporting note here and there. It's like colors. All colors CAN go together well but sometimes it takes some creative accessorising.

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