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Aztec GlassGlow

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I recently ordered a case of glassglow from Aztec. Great price by the way. I openned it today and although it is labeled glassglow it's not! It sets up like the palm wax Candlewic carries. The glassglow I have always bought from Candlescience and Candles & Supplies is powdery and flakey - this is little tiny beads like the featherwax. I use glassglow for my tarts. I've tried Candlewics palm and it won't come out of the little souffle cups. This does the very same thing and looks exactly like it. Going to contact Aztec on Monday, anyone else have this problem? The bag is labelled IGI R-2322 Glassglow. :sad2:

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Aztec is carrying the new IGI R-2322 (from Britz Wax). It is in small "bead" form similiar to Feather Palm. This is the brand IGI has switched to after the quality issues last year with the old PT Sumi Ashi glassglow. It is the same wax I have been using for months now, and it is Glassglow (unless maybe there is a quality issue again). The current batch I have is B101107-12. Like I said, I have been using it for months and it is pretty much the same as the old GG that I used to get from CS. Same pattern, same burn, etc.

Oh, and GG Palm will not come out of souffle cups (I have tried and it has never worked) because it is a low shrink container wax. If I make Palm tarts, I use Feather.



Edited by Wessex
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Hi Steve. The pellet form is much nicer to deal with than the powdery form but it doesn't seem to set up the same for me. I emailed Aztec - will see what they have to say. Right now I just blended some feather wax in with it and it does come out of the souffle cups now. I only use this for tarts so as long as I can work with it I'll be ok, but my tarts pay my rent here so I definitly don't want to change what ain't broke! GlassGlow has proven to be the best wax for my tarts.

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I use the same GG from Aztec and must say I love it! Colors and scents well and has the same great crystal patterns just like the old Sumi Asah GG that CS and Peaks used to sell before the company started turning out inconsistent batches and was discontinued.

Not sure which palm wax from Candlewic you are referring to because they carry Crystal container palm and Feather pillar palm. They never carried GG. Both Crystal and Feather palm waxes are entirely different waxes and not anything like GG!

Edited by Candybee
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Yes, I received the Britz GG Wax as well from my supplier. Freaked me out when I got it because it looked different :( I was bummed! I called my supplier and they gave me the scoop so to be safe, I tested it.

I am a bit disappointed because it is not setting up the same for me either. I am getting cavities and air bubbles like crazy. Is anyone else experiencing this or am I only experiencing it becuz I was used to not having to wreck the wicks with the container wax before.

Now, I am wrecking the wicks and it is helping but not necessarily providing consistency because one of my customers burned a candle the other day and it tunneled :(

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No reason to get bummed. Its still a great wax and easy to work with. There's a simple cooling technique another poster taught me that works perfect for getting rid of unwanted air pockets. While the candle cools wait for a crust to form on top then flip the jar over or upside down and let it finish cooling. The air pockets travel to the bottom around the wick tab where they will no longer have any effect on the candle burn from start to finish. I have been doing this for about a year now and have not had any problems with air pockets ever since. I know other posters here use the same flip method when cooling.

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Wow Candybee! That's a great idea!!! I never thought of that! I'm going to try it with the batch i'm working on now...so you don't poke relief holes at all?

That top crust must have to be pretty thick eh, or no?

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No relief holes necessary. Wait for the crust to get thick enough you can still see the wax slosh around underneath. For my 9 oz salsa jars I wait about 35-45 minutes. If you flip too early the hot wax can melt thru. Just takes a few practice tries to get the timing right. If you have larger jars you may have to wait a bit longer.

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