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So disappointed in Smelly Jelly :(


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I decided to give these things a try to add to my line. But in my opinion THEY SUCK! I almost feel too embarrassed to try and sell the ones I made. Luckily I only made about 10. I was SO excited to try these things. I gave one to my sister for her car, put one in my car, put a 16 oz in the bathroom and these things have NO smell unless I put my nose to it. I had read a few good things about them here with the debates between beads and jelly. I used the rec. amount of FO and added more. I added as much as I could until the jelly looked like it had grease build up. Ugh.. I'm so disappointed.... I expected them to at least have a faint smell in the car.

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That is the reason for testing, LOL. Sometimes things just don't meet our standards. But there are certain FO's and combinations that have great throw. It just takes alot of trial and error to find the combinations that work. I just don't have the time to branch into yet another area. I have my hands full constantly testing new FO's and tweaking my current lines. I am never happy with my products (can you say slightly OCD with the testing, LOL). I briefly dabbled with aroma beads and found several FO's that worked great and lasted a long time, but many petered out after less than 3 weeks in my car. Just a matter of finding the right FO's.



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I agree that they suck--big time suck. I invested a little a few years back on the supplies and jars, etc, and was soooo disappointed. It doesn't take much of anything to scent a car, for crying out loud, but I got nothing. I think I've still got the jars in all of my mess but ended up using the jelly crap in an area of my yard that doesn't get direct rain so that the soil would hold moisture. That's about all that stuff is good for, IMO. However, use caution. I bout busted my fat ass when I spilled a bunch on the pavement and got it wet.

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I feel your pain, i'm not having any luck with them either. I've tried Mc Apple and Coconut Lime both of which I consider to be strong fragrances. They work great in my tarts but like I said no luck for me as Smelly Jellies. The McApple lasted 2 days, the Coconut Lime about 2 weeks. Really frustrating and have tried several different times with the Mc Apple, because someone wants to place an order after smelling the one that I gave to my sister for testing. Little did they know that they happen to get a whif on the first day. I'm embarrased to tell them of the short life. I figure there must be a trick to this. Wish I could figure it out though. Any help would be appreciated.

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I sell a lot of smelly jelly jars and I have repeat customers at every show. I wonder what the difference is?

I sell mine as a kit. It comes with an envelope of the water crystals with directions, a plastic lid, a daisy lid and the FO of choice all inside the jelly jar. They mix it up when they get home. I have not has a single complaint in 3 years of selling them.

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I sell a lot of smelly jelly jars and I have repeat customers at every show. I wonder what the difference is?

I sell mine as a kit. It comes with an envelope of the water crystals with directions, a plastic lid, a daisy lid and the FO of choice all inside the jelly jar. They mix it up when they get home. I have not has a single complaint in 3 years of selling them.

Maybe they just like making them because they seriously have no throw. I didn't even try to sell the ones I made at the fair this weekend. Too embarrassed. smh...

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Maybe they just like making them because they seriously have no throw. I didn't even try to sell the ones I made at the fair this weekend. Too embarrassed. smh...

When did you buy one of mine sbs? When did you determine that mine have no throw? When did you decide that I didn't test mine and that I just sell them to stupid people who buy them over and over because they don't throw?

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I don't have any luck with them in the house, bu I have one in my car that does okay. It's made with Dark Kiss from the candlemaker's store, which is a softer fragrance. It's not a knock your socks off air freshener like my corn cob sachets, but I can smell it.

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When did you buy one of mine sbs? When did you determine that mine have no throw? When did you decide that I didn't test mine and that I just sell them to stupid people who buy them over and over because they don't throw?

Whoa whoa whoa it is NOT that serious! First of all I wasn't talking about "yours" I was talking about Smelly Jellies in general.

Edited by sbs
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Also people tend to have more interest in things they make themselves and that's why I said maybe they like making them and are giving them more credit than their worth because MAJORITY here (in this thread) thinks their not all that great.

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When did you buy one of mine sbs? When did you determine that mine have no throw? When did you decide that I didn't test mine and that I just sell them to stupid people who buy them over and over because they don't throw?

OP was not referring to YOUR jellies... just commenting that her jellies have no CT and she assumes people make them for fun, NOT for the CT. Saying that she didn't sell hers because they weren't very good... LOL. NOT that she bought yours.

But, over around my way we were talking about making a cute M&P kit for kids to do with their parents... Right along these lines. OR, having a smelly jelly making table at shows this summer...It is good to know that you are doing well selling yours!

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