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Vybar and Soy Wax

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I remember reading some info about this before. If you do a search on here you should find it, that's how I found it before. Basically it said that in not these exact words that it's not good in soy b/c it binds the scent and would not be helping as far as the HT goes, it would have the opposite effect. I'll try to see if I can find it and post the link here. I'm just going off memory here so don't quote me. Off to find the link. HTH

Found it.. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?65641-using-vybar&highlight=vybar

You might search over in the veggie wax section since you're talking about soy. You'll find tons and tons of helpful info.

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It is not necessary to add vybar or any other additive to soy candles to achieve a strong scent. It's simply a matter of using high quality undiluted fragrance oils and the right soy wax.

It's hard to generalize about all soy wax because there are many brands/sources and they do not all preform the same. There are some soy waxes which are problematic in their scent throw - EcoSoya CBA comes to mind. Some waxes are particular about what FOs work best and which wicks work the best. Candles are systems. All the different components - dye, wax, FO, additives, wicks, containers play a role in obtaining the best scent throw and burn qualities. Each person has to find the combo that works best for them.

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ahhh Stella! You said "Candles are systems. All the different components - dye, wax, FO, additives, wicks, containers play a role in obtaining the best scent throw and burn qualities. Each person has to find the combo that works best for them. "

So so true... & everyone, in the beginning, says "Oh! It's SO EASY!" I swear the more I learn the more questions I have!

Ho Hum.

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ahhh Stella! You said "Candles are systems. All the different components - dye, wax, FO, additives, wicks, containers play a role in obtaining the best scent throw and burn qualities. Each person has to find the combo that works best for them. "

So so true... & everyone, in the beginning, says "Oh! It's SO EASY!" I swear the more I learn the more questions I have!

Ho Hum.

So true, had I known before I got sucked into all this maybe..... Nah, I like a good challenge and, besides, look at all the cool, homemade candles one gets to burn while testing.

Edited by rjdaines
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