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new to cut and carve candles and forum

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I am so happy that I came across this forum. There is definitely a wealth of knowledge here! I have read many posts and have searched for the answer to my question but can not find it. I apologize if some of you will be repeating yourselves in response to my question.

I am in the process of teaching myself how to carve candles. I have all the materials but I keep finding that my colors are separating when I carve into them. I checked my temperature of my dip tank and each vat they register at about 155 degrees. I am wondering if that is not hot enough? Any thoughts would help. Thank you.

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Hi peanut, welcome on forum :)

I had the same problem but I had used simple paraffin wax. What wax are you using? Maybe just try different brand of dyes? By the way, you sad you have all for carving...where you get candle glaze?

Best regards

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Thanks Thaiphoon,

I got all of my supplies from someone that was selling her carving business (I've always wanted to carve but never found the means to do so until this opportunity arose). when i got all of my materials the dip tank came full: wax, dyes and everything. It is paraffin wax...i just emailed her to find out specifics on the type of paraffin. The glaze is from aztec international and is labelled quick dry glaze. i am wondering if the water that I am using in between dips is too cold. Could that have an impact? The woman that I bought everything from had recently used the tank so I am sure that it is workable wax but it seems pretty brittle. I must be doing something wrong!

I am going to look back through the inventory list and see if she gave specifics for each product.

Edited by peanut
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It's obvious that it is paraffine wax but is it wax for cut 'n' carve? :) My wasn't so I had problems like yours. About water, all I know is that it should have room temperature. Maybe you are dipping candle in water too long? It has to take only a moment. It's hard to help because I'm quite new in cut 'n' carve subject too.

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Welcome to the board :o)

I don't have any answers since I've never tried them, but a few people have. Here are a few threads that might help you out with these. Interesting reading anyway. There were many more than this when I searched "cut and carve".




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You might also want to search under Cut and Curl. There are a few interesting sites that come up on a google search.


Some tutorials here:


I now have a star mould and some cut/carve wax. Don't have the tools yet. The images on the internet are so inspiring that I really do plan on trying this out soon.

Some of my favorite inspiring images are the the taper candles that are carved.


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Thanks everyone for all of your input the links have been helpful! I am trying some different things out. I think part of the reason why I am having the problems that i am are because my work area is in my basement. It is very cold down there so I am wondering if this is the reason why the candles are cooling so fast and become brittle.

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So i got an email from the woman that i bought my supplies from and she stated that she is not sure what type of paraffin wax she gave me but she stated that it worked fine for her when she was using it. It has a really weird consistency to it. I checked my temperature and everything looks fine. I am also finding that it seems like each layer is holding water because when i am done carving and cut off the base there is a ton of water in the wax and it is breaking into little individual pieces. I don't know if this makes sense. I am starting to get really discouraged and I am struggling to find a solution.

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I have been carving for about 3 years now and I get all my supplies from John at Candle Fun....www.candlefun.com He has everything from the wax to the glaze so he could answer a lot of your questions for you. If you contact him, let him know I sent you. HTH I love carving and get great compliments on my candles. I also have had the separation issue in the past but I don't remember what the problem was.....I think it had something to do with the microwax. John will know.

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Thanks for providing me with a contact person. I have seen his website and when i was researching how to begin candle carving candlefun.com always came up. I will contact him today thanks. I am really enjoying carving i am just getting frustrated with the separation issue and I don't know what is going on so hopefully John can help me out.

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I would bump up your wax temp to 165 or 170. Room temp water dip it quickly once all the way under the water then again half way up the candle smooth but quickly. Try to keep water drops off the candle as you dip. I use my hand to wipe them off. Normal candle has anywhere from 20 to 30 layers of wax. The more wax you have the more round the star becomes and harder to carve. The less wax you have the less blankets of heat you have to keep your candle warm as your carving. Depending on the size core you use you have to presoak it in wax for anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to make sure the cold core doesnt cool your candle off as your carving it. Practice practice practice getting faster.


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