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A Question...or two!

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I have some soot to clean up on the walls. Can't say what is the culprit, but since I use almost entirely paraffin, I'll point a finger that way. I can see the soot coming off the wicks every now and then.

Check prices. Right now soy is less expensive than paraffin.

The white spots on soy do seem to be pretty common.

I will still work with paraffin because I really like the throw, however, for unscented candles, I'm sticking to soy.

So....are you saying, in your opinion, that your paraffin candles throw scent better than you soy candles?

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Pam and all,

Was your first test candle a perfect choice for wicks?

You should know better than to attack me because I am doing my job testing. You should never attack another chandler for doing what needs to be done. Ever.

I've tested over 400 candles now in the last year. Many I blow out because that is what people do. Many I burn start to finish in one burn (when I can monitor for a weekend) because that is the silly thing people do. I have posted before that when I test, I sometimes keep in mind the common abuses. This produces soot. After a year of this with one to two a day, the lab has some discoloring and I can see some soot.

You can take your critical anti-testing elsewhere please.

And next time you tell me that I should point a finger at myself, start by telling me what the magic wick is first so that I know you are actually knowledgeable and know it all.

Pam, I have posted before about soot and mushrooming and received no help from you. So please feel free to put that finger back in its holster.

Edited by EricofAZ
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I wasn't going to reply to this thread until I went to the mall today on my lunch break. There was a new store that was selling tart warmers and tarts. The warmers looked like the ones from OBI, anyway they were selling soy tarts and had a big sign stating the amazing benefits of soy and how paraffin tarts are dangerous and emit toxins and will kill you if inhaled deeply. I had the sales girl follow me around saying how their soy tarts all natural and pure...blah blah blah...Are you serious?

As I said before I have no issues with soy, I use it in my candles and I make soy tarts but I have serious issues with the all made up BS hype about soy! I think its sad that some people feel that is the only way they can sell their candles.

BTW...where are the emoticons, I wanted some cute smiley faces but I can't find them!

Edited by lsbennis
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When I first started posting on this forum you couldn't even carry on a civil conversation about the differences between soy and paraffin without a huge argument taking place about how one wax was better than the other ad nauseum. The misinformation is still around but at least the dialogue about it is much better and I am glad to see it.

I feel strongly that its our duty and responsiblity as candle makers to properly inform our customers about our candles and to also be a part of putting an end to all the garbage and hype thats out there. Sadly sometimes this is easier said than done.

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