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Could this be the end of my business?


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Just thought I'd update. I bought a couple of Swans Creek candles to try out the competition. Hope it's nobody on here.....They burn very dangerously HOT! You can't tell by the pic much, but I would say it is wicked up about 3 sizes to high. The scent throw was so-so. It had a mp of about an inch deep in one hour. I just don't understand how they can sell a candle like that. I was actually so scared of it burning, I had to put it out after about 2 hours. The mushroom got ENORMOUS! Never saw anything like it. I tell ya, I could GUESS at a better wicking than that. Obviously they don't test their wicking. So I have that going for me. Mine burn slow and steady. Hopefully, people will appreciate the way mine burn and stick with me. post-4475-139458481808_thumb.jpg

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Dana, over the years I have learned that bad things happen to bad people. They create their own problems. You are well rid of this person and will do better out on your own. It is unfortunate you did not have a contract. Hope your new adventure goes well!

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That candle looks like my very FIRST attempt at wicking a soy candle. Gee, it only took one or two tests to get the right wick! Guess some so-called Chandlers don't even do that! Irritating to the ones who do it right! My soapbox is sitting right next to me, but I shall leave it unused, LOL! I agree, you are probably lucky to have gotten away from that store.



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I agree with the marketing campaign. Pass flyers with your "new location" or take an ad in your local paper...something like "we have moved".

Get a website and a cell phone to take orders. Do a yard sale or open house.

I am sure that people would rather buy from you than a big company. Don't forget the made right here in "whatever your town is" and the famous handmade.

But don't burn the store or bad mouth your ex-boss...I am sure he will get what he truly deserves sooner or later.

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Thanks for the encouragement everyone! It has taken several months, but the depression and anger are subsiding. I am gearing up for busy season, just like before. I figure I better just keep working away cause I don't want to be caught off guard this fall. I have many new ideas and signed up for more craft shows than I have ever done. I am changing a few jars for a slightly new look, but I am KEEPING my mason that they tried to impersonate. I am still a little unsettled about how it will affect my business this fall. I usually can figure out about how many jars, cases of wax etc. I need for the season. So, I am purchasing like usual, and trying not to worry. I have just 3 months before the crazy season begins again so I am focusing on that! :smiley2:

PS: I had a few beers one night and I did tell a few friends about what happened. It is really hard not to bad mouth them when what they did was wrong and hurtful, but I told them to keep shopping there (and they do, they have told me they like it because I created such a nice atmosphere and they haven't changed a thing- except the candles, lol) because it was something going on with my boss and really has nothing to do with customers. I asked them not to spread talk around town too. I trust them, they have been my friends for over 23 years.

Edited by Dana
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You said you lived in a small town, you might be able to rent your own place if you can afford it. I know that around here there are a lot of commercial buidings that have been empty for a long time, you might be able to negociate a part time, 1 day or 2 days a week or a month for people to just come by. Depending on the zoning you might even be able to sell out of your house or garage.

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Dana, just read your story. Wow. My heart goes out to you. Sounds like this dude is a very poor business man. 80K/month revenue in the carpet business, and he can't make it? That's a million/yr. Before branching out, he should have had deeper pockets. From our personal viewpoint... small towns are tough. We had a candle store in a small town for 3 yrs...rough. Opened up another in a larger town and hour a way; this was a sucess, so we moved there. Seven years ago. Have you considered this? We get customers from the first town who drive here (and pay more). Shake off this guy and woman (can't call her a lady); remember what the Bible says .... Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Trust in that and get on with your life and business. Good candles will always bring customers back; lousy attitudes and poor products drive the customers away.

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"Vengeance is mine says the Lord" is exactly what I have lived by from this whole experience. I have given it up to Him, so I could move on. I have made an offer on a property (low balled it) and have been waiting to hear back. If I get it fine, if not then it wasn't meant to be. It has been on the market for 13 months so I figured maybe they will come down in price. I had to really think long and hard about the offer though cause I didn't want to make the mistake of "I'll show them..." kind of thing. I had to make it a wise business decision. My husband supports me with the decision, so that is very important to me. I wish I had made the decision to make an offer sooner though, cause if I do get it it'll be 30 days before possession and that'll be getting into busy season for me. I want to be settled in sooner. Oh well, we'll see. One step at a time.

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They accepted the offer! OMG I can't believe it. Finally I can move out of the garage, basement, kitchen....and any other little cubby hole I have my supplies stashed. My family can have their house back. On the flip side, I have to get out of my pj's and drive 2 miles to get products made. Maybe I will be more productive this way. No more jumping in the pool while wax is cooling or getting on here while my wax is melting. I have to make some sacrifices, but I think it will be worth it. Next step, patiently wait 30 days for possession.

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CONGRATS!!!! If you don't mind a little bit of advice from one who has been there.....

Keep your operating costs at an absolute minimum. You don't need a POS system. Be very careful about spending advt $. Best advtg is word of mouth. Slow though. No labor costs unless absolutely necessary. Other than COG, if it isn't going to bring in $, don't do it.

Good Luck and may God bless.

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"Other than COG, if it isn't going to bring in dollars don't do it"

I am with ya there! Believe me, I didn't get to this point by spending carelessly. I saved everything I made from this business for 7 years. Sure, some $$ went to advertising, but I do my homework before I spend a dime. I am the biggest tight- "bleep" that ever was!

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