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I was excited but. . .the nerve of some people - UPDATE

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

I wanted to get into a really good show that's in my area. I sent the lady a message and here is what she replied:

"We have had candles in the past and country items and they do not seem to do very well at the spring show.I am so sorry but I just want you to know the truth.you items are lovely and we wish you the best of luck"

I'm a bit offended. She's not giving me a chance. I know it's juried with not jury fee, but my Lord. I guess I'll have to really go around and make myself known in the Chestnut Hill area. People's taste change. You never know. I thought I wasn't with a candle crowd and made out good before. I gave her the link to my website I'm working on. I wanted her to at least see my work. Here is the link, www.scentsbyeilena.com It's still a work in progress. I know I may have typos and I need to add stuff. I saw a candle person there with beeswax candles. I don't understand why I'm not being given an opportunity to see how well I do. Maybe they didn't have what I have. I don't have some products like some of you here, but that just felt like a real blow to me. I was sitting here the past few days and thinking of how to present my stuff so that I can have a decent outcome. OH, well, back to the drawing board! :undecided


I'm like so excited right now, I scared the hell out of my BF(I let out a scream). I recevied another reply from the lady. Here is what she said:

"We will be glad to give you a contract for the spring show.Can you send a few more photos of your soaps etc.Kathy "

I'm like soooo happy. I guess it does pay to keep on your grind. I've always been one to speak my mind and stand up for myself (and my products). My mom always told me not to accept no as an answer! Gotta get back to getting my ideas in motion.

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Guest EMercier

I sent her this reply:

"With all due respect, customers come for crafts and candle making is a craft. I also do bath and body products as well and will be adding soap the beginning of the year, which when I've sold at other craft shows, they've been interested in just lotion or soap and bought candles. I understand that you want the best, but I saw a beeswax candle maker at the Winter Show. If that's a better time, please keep me in mind for that show. I appreciate your time. "

We'll see what happens, but I'm over it. Just needed to let it out somewhere.

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I think she should have at least given you the opportunity to decide for yourself it you wanted to take the chance at the show. Her just saying that candles, or country items didn't do well in the past does not mean that your items would have the same result.... Seems like she made the decision for you, and I think that was wrong. Feel for you Girlfriend........

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I sent her this reply:

"With all due respect, customers come for crafts and candle making is a craft. I also do bath and body products as well and will be adding soap the beginning of the year, which when I've sold at other craft shows, they've been interested in just lotion or soap and bought candles. I understand that you want the best, but I saw a beeswax candle maker at the Winter Show. If that's a better time, please keep me in mind for that show. I appreciate your time. "

We'll see what happens, but I'm over it. Just needed to let it out somewhere.

Bummer! I think you're reply was well written though and hopefully she will consider you in the future. BTW I checked out your site and have a hard time seeing where she's throwing you exclusively into the "country" category.

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Yeah she could of gave you a chance, HOWEVER, you will probably smack me :P

I think for some of the bigger shows, the person in charge knows what sells and what doesn't. Maybe she is just a sincere person, and doesn't want you to spend the money if it isn't going to be worth your while. She has the most experience with what sells and what doesn't since she is in charge. I think your response was great, so she should keep you in mind for future shows. Did you not tell her about your b/b and soap to begin with? If not, keep that in mind for the next time around. I would strongly recommend telling them everything that you sell. Most of the juried shows, only allow what has been judged. If it hasn't been judged or accepted, they won't allow you to sell them. Honestly, I would probably send her a thank you for saving you some cash :D

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JMO, but if I were trying to impress a jury to get into a craft show, there is no way in God's creation I would send them an unfinished website that "might have typos and stuff missing, or generally "a work in progress". I am also no expert at getting in to shows, but I'm thinking if there were a known great show that I'd like to attempt to get in, I'd make a great effort to be sure that everything I sent them looked perfect. Please do not be offended by this post, I'm trying to help you gain another perspective and mean nothing ugly or mean by it. Also, I am not saying your website is bad, I haven't even thoroughly gone through it, but by your own admission it needs work, and I'm just going by what you've told us.

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JMO, but if I were trying to impress a jury to get into a craft show, there is no way in God's creation I would send them an unfinished website that "might have typos and stuff missing, or generally "a work in progress". I am also no expert at getting in to shows, but I'm thinking if there were a known great show that I'd like to attempt to get in, I'd make a great effort to be sure that everything I sent them looked perfect. Please do not be offended by this post, I'm trying to help you gain another perspective and mean nothing ugly or mean by it. Also, I am not saying your website is bad, I haven't even thoroughly gone through it, but by your own admission it needs work, and I'm just going by what you've told us.

I thought that same thing.

BUT, if it makes you feel any better we have a huge show here in the fall. People travel from all over the state to attend. The crafters/artists average about $4K for a two day show. I inquired this year. They did not even let me submit an application. One of the founders of the show is a soaper- so they do not allow any other soapers. She obviously does not want any competition. I was very frustrated about it at first.... but then thought I must be a threat! :D

I do not think that her reasoning however, was a good one. If your products are professional and meet their requirements then the "flare" of your products should have nothing to do with it. Let the shopper decide......

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Guest EMercier

I thank you all for your honest opinions, I did let her know I do soap (M&P). I did not let her know that my site isn't completely done. I've gone over it with a fine tooth comb and I haven't seen any typos, but I always say that you can read the same paragraph over and over and not see a mistake, but someone else can see it and point it right out. I understand she's been doing this for a while, however if candles don't sell well, then why was there a beeswax candlemaker there? That kind of contradicts your point. I'm not upset by any comments here, but I was really venting and I'm kinda over it. I'll go on about my business. I've not been in this more than 2 years and I'm making it my goal for 2006 to really get myself out there. I came up with a plan to go to those stores in that area and try to get a few wholesale accounts and build up that way. My products aren't near some of those here, but I have a good products with repeat customers who feel that my look is in no way country and I do well without going to shows. OH, well you win some you lose some. Thanks!

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I thought that same thing.

BUT, if it makes you feel any better we have a huge show here in the fall. People travel from all over the state to attend. The crafters/artists average about $4K for a two day show. I inquired this year. They did not even let me submit an application. One of the founders of the show is a soaper- so they do not allow any other soapers. She obviously does not want any competition. I was very frustrated about it at first.... but then thought I must be a threat! :D

I do not think that her reasoning however, was a good one. If your products are professional and meet their requirements then the "flare" of your products should have nothing to do with it. Let the shopper decide......

I too have had a similar experience with a woman who runs a festival the weekend after Atwood. I have tried for four years to get into this fest and she won't let me in because her daughter is the candle maker and the only one. This women comes to Atwood ever year and says my candles are the best she's ever seen or burned (That's right, she's actually bought my candles) But she won't allow me in because her daughter wouldn't have any sales then....I asked if her daughter ever sold at Atwood? She said no, because she couldn't get in!:tongue2: Atwood is juried too.

Somewhere in there there's a commpliment but I would rather get in and sell than get compliments on my candles.

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  • 3 years later...

This sounds so strange to me! Seriously! Don't they make their money with your "space/booth fee"? You pay to be there.

Your site is adorable and many people are attracted to items of all types. Plus, if you are looking for a gift for someone, the purchasers taste does not matter right?

I have a ton of people look at my stuff and go "this is really not my thing, but my mother, sister, co-worker, really likes it", and they purchase it!

I am glad you got another chance! Let us know how it goes!

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