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Question for Satin Ducky

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I just love your candles with the flowers on them. We spoke before about these and you told me that you use the tacky wax to adhere the flowers then dipped them in wax. :highfive: My question is are they hollow inside or do you pour container wax inside? It is hard for me to tell from the pictures. I would love to make these for my sisters for xmas next year. Thanks for sharing your photos and for any pointers you can give me. LoriH

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Thanks Satin. I kinda thought they were hollow inside.:) I have a regular hurricane mold with an insert, but I love these small round ones. My next question to you is do you just pour into one half then let it set up on the sides then pour out the rest of the wax out like a regular hurricane?

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Tucker, I got mine at Pourette a while back, but I'm pretty sure they were on clearance then and not being carried anymore. Try googling "saturn ball mold". I tried to, but my dial-up is being a pita today and I can't even get to google. I'm just barely able to get in here occasionally :mad:

Smokin'Hot, Nope, I use the whole mold and fill almost full. For one, it shrinks down as it cools and messes up the top part of the rim. I do trim off the top 1/2" to 1". Also, I zap the rim and inside to smooth it and that removes even more. Yes, you pour it just like a hurricane though. You have to trim out the circle on top to see how thick the wall is. I usually use a flashlight to see down in there ;)

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Why do you get a special thread? Out of all the people on the board you were singled out to answer the question.

I guess the rest of us are chopped liver :mad:

(NOTE: Well, when it comes to questions about pillars or hurricanes or soaked bears or taper candles or beeswax candles or dessert candles I really am no more useful than a pile of chopped liver :()

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Why do you get a special thread? Out of all the people on the board you were singled out to answer the question.

I guess the rest of us are chopped liver :mad:

(NOTE: Well, when it comes to questions about pillars or hurricanes or soaked bears or taper candles or beeswax candles or dessert candles I really am no more useful than a pile of chopped liver :()

Ummm, ok :tiptoe:

Actually, Donita is the most knowledgable person here on these type candles! I'm guessing they put my name on it because they'd asked me other questions about it before. Would you prefer it was kept in PM? That could be done. Most prefer general questions to be asked out here so everyone can benefit. Anyone who knows an answer is more than welcome to reply to any thread, IMO. Are we having a bad day?

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Up here in Tennessee we call it, "I'm joking with you" :P

You thought I was serious??? Oh, come on, now...I'm not like that.

And here on the CT board, you never know when someone is joking. I just try to be honest and helpful (and occasionally sarcastic), but also to keep it friendly. And sometimes, like this week, when I'm not feling well, I'm grouchy and don't necessarily recognize humor :embarasse

It's all good :highfive:

BTW: I wasn't off pouting or fuming. Just ticked off at my *$^! dial-up that wont go anywhere so I went and took a shower....LOL

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Ducky....I didn't know that Pourette might not have these anymore. I have a bunch of them and do the balloons, but I need to have them too. Sometimes when they have a clearance it just means that they are getting rid of ready made stock....Jeff has been able to help me when I need a mold made. They keep the casting molds....just have to do a special run...They F----- up the large black cat mold so it has a screwed up ear.....I just have to work harder on it now and re-shape it when I am trimming the seam. I also mark down on the top of the saturn mold with a marker pen about 2 to 2 1/2 inches. Then cut it completely out with toenail scissors. It then looks like a regular mold and you don't have to peek inside....just make it open and it is so much easier....took me a few years to figure out exactly how I wanted these molds. Donita

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Ducky....I didn't know that Pourette might not have these anymore. I have a bunch of them and do the balloons, but I need to have them too. Sometimes when they have a clearance it just means that they are getting rid of ready made stock....Jeff has been able to help me when I need a mold made. They keep the casting molds....just have to do a special run...They F----- up the large black cat mold so it has a screwed up ear.....I just have to work harder on it now and re-shape it when I am trimming the seam. I also mark down on the top of the saturn mold with a marker pen about 2 to 2 1/2 inches. Then cut it completely out with toenail scissors. It then looks like a regular mold and you don't have to peek inside....just make it open and it is so much easier....took me a few years to figure out exactly how I wanted these molds. Donita

I was thinking about doing that too Donita. I think Pourette still has them and so does Genwax. May order a couple to play with. I really like this idea, since I can't seem to make my regular hurricanes come out right. :sad2:

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They may still carry them in regular stock too, but since my internet connection wouldn't let me do anything, I couldn't check. When I got mine, it was "as is", meaning it came with no clips, stand, seal, nuttin...LOL. I don't think I'll try cutting it down anytime soon. This one is pretty thick and I KNOW I'd ruin it in so many ways it isn't funny :shocked2:

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Okay, just so I can learn something today...what exactly is a hurricane? From what I gather it is not a candle, right? Or can it be? Looks like you're mainly using them as candle holders. So are they made of wax with high MP?

And I keep hearing about this "grubby" hurricane. I found a picture of "grubby votives":


At first glance, I don't quite see the attraction to grubby candles. Sorry :cry2:

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