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Anyone using Intuit or Square D ?


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Judiee, I am going to assume you meant just plain Square. I have used both Intuit and Square, and I really prefer Square, at least for me. Most of my customers don't really ask for a receipt, and the ones that do, I can merely write one out, or offer them a email receipt via Square using their email address. I would have to look for my dealings with Intuit to remember their Percentage fees, but the $12.95 a month would have cut into my profits. I only do a few shows a year. I also had a problem with Intuit, using an incorrect bank account, so I didn't see my money for a couple weeks. I did use their 2 free month offer, but ONLY because my Square reader hadn't shipped yet. I think without a reader, the % fees were fairly comparable, and with the Square, I didn't have to write anything down to input later for payment.

Hope that helps.

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Yep Square (not Square D)

I have Square now but that card reader is just flaky.

Looked into Intuit and there's no monthly fees and rates are about the same as Square. Intuit offers a bluetooth reader/printer which looks to be way better then the Square reader or standard Intuit reader. Having to swipe numerous times with the Square is just a pita.

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Intuit only gives you the best rate if you buy the bluetooth reader/printer. That means 3.7% on all transactions used with the freebie reader they rope you in with. The fine print mentions "other fees" may apply. Why can't they just spell this crap out.

Square in their terms mentions a "reserve" and a hold they can put on your money. Never heard of that with any merchant service.

I would be curious to know from anyone who uses these services what a real bill from either of them look like. It seems to me after reading the terms for both that neither is very clear and you could wind up getting hit with "other fees" for "no qualifed purchases" or whatever other ambiguous verbage they can come up with in order to gauge me out of money.

I apologize if that sounds pissy, but I've already had a bad run with a merchant company and do not want to repaet that again. So any insight would be very helpful. :smiley2: :smiley2:

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Square changed their hold policy last month, before they changed it, it was if you charged over $1100 (i think) within 30 days they held the amount over that limit for 30 days and then deposited it in your bank account. They changed it to $1000 per week. If you charge more than a thousand a week the remainder is held for 30 days.

You can apply for an increase, you need to:

1. bank or merchant statements with at least three months history substantiating this need

2. invoices or contracts with vendors or other trade references

3. consent to a credit check (as a last measure)

(We know because we contacted them about an increase. So we may do this, after all of our research it does have good rates without monthly fees.)

Its good for shows etc, but we are going to do a couple wholesale markets, etc and most businesses cannot wait 30 days for the remainder to be deposited since alot has to be re-invested.

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Thanks Bah! I appreciate the insight. My major concern is the fees that they mention are the only fees that apply. Its just sales percent and transaction fee and thats it right? There isn't some hidden customer service fee or other weird charge that shows up on a bill or anything like that.

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Thanks Bah! I appreciate the insight. My major concern is the fees that they mention are the only fees that apply. Its just sales percent and transaction fee and thats it right? There isn't some hidden customer service fee or other weird charge that shows up on a bill or anything like that.

Its a percentage of the sale plus a fee per swipe, like 30 cents or something. I think its 2.5% to swipe and 3.5 or 3.7% if you key the card in. so its not bad, you just have to make sure you don't go over the $1000 a week limit.

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Judiee, I have had a few problems with having to do multiple swipes with my Square reader, but they will send you a new one, if you are having a problem. Not sure if they changed something, but I am getting a new one. I don't have another show for a few months, so I'm in no hurry. Go to their website, and there are directions on who to call to get a new one.

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  • 1 year later...

Signed up for both. The square reader came today. Been playing with it im noticing it seems to be finikey as to how it wants the card swiped. If its not perfectly straight no go. Im liking the simplicity of it. Still waiting on intuits it should be here in a few days. I ran a few transactions through square and no problems super easy so far.

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I'm running Intuit for my stuff. I tried getting Square, but I recently got married and they denied me on that basis (my name changed and credit history wouldn't reflect the credit I had under my previous name) and they were flat out rude about the whole process. Wouldn't even try to check it under my previous name. Contacted Intuit to try through them, they had the same issues with the last name change, but contacted me and asked if I'd had any other information that they could use to verify who I was, ect. Got my approval the next day, card reader came in the mail in about a week. I have a $1,250 limit per week with using it.

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I use the intuit gopayment and it works great. I have no monthly fee which is great since I mostly do wholesale. Works good on my iphone but I really love it on the ipad. I even bought a $15 stylus to use so customers can actually sign their receipt. I can't print receipts on site but I can email or text them. I had over $3000 in credit card sales at a show I did in November and they didn't hold any of my funds. They were all there within 48 hours.

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