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Well, I'm not familiar with Groupon specifically but I've been approached by many other "deal share" sites with similar principles as Groupon and they always want too much money. The last one that called expected you to offer a really good deal AND they wanted a 50% cut. If I'm going to discount my product by 20-30% and then still have to give away 50% of whats left over...my margins start getting very slim. Instead, I just offered a deal direct to my customers. I still had lots of sales and I didn't have to give away 50% of what I made.

Plus, if I remember correctly, these guys collect the money on your behalf and then send you a check a certain number of days later....definitely not my ideal business transaction.

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I was speaking to the owner of a restaurant that ran a groupon. They said that they actually make money on them!

So many people buy the coupon, but only a small percentage actually cash it in, that they make money! Go figure!

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My BIL did one for his massage therapy business and said he'd never do it again. He had people complaining about the service (he only hires top-notch therapists) and asking for money back. He also realized it was people just looking to get a good deal that would not be repeat customers.

With candles, you might be more likely to get some repeat customers. It would also likely get your name out there and be more recognized in the future. You'd also have to be able to make a LOT of candles.

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This place requires you to enter your email address before you can enter the site. You should never be required to enter any personal info when browsing a website. To me that is a bad practice and unacceptable. I don't want to do that and neither should customers.

You should be able to read over the site and then sign up if you want. Never, ever, should a person be compelled to give out any personal info just to look at the site. Very bad!

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