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Best wicks for GB464? What is your experience

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Hi! I've been browsing around and it's taking forever to find people who use GB464 and what are their best experiences. It seems like everyone does things differently and they all get great reasults. I know that this is all trial and error. That being said I would like to know just specifically for GB464 what wicks do you use? I'd like the best scent throw possible. Thanks! :yay:

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Hi, Welcome to the frustrating and rewarding, and very expensive world of candles!

I don't use your wax, but when I was a new chandler little over a year ago, the one thing I had to learn and you must learn too, is that everyone does things a little differently. So.. that means, just because one kind of wick works for me, doesn't mean it will work for you. We each need to do our own testing. We test FO to see if they will throw in your wax, because not every one does. We also test wicks for proper size (flame, melt pool & throw).

I know searching the forum is time consuming, but is very necessary. There is no certain "recipe". If in your search you have seen people use ECO's, CD's or HTP's, then I encourage you to get sampler packs of each and jump in with both feet. There are many threads on here on how to test also. Some are contradictory, but go with what you feel is the best way. We were all in your shoes, and we all have less hair on account of it. :)

If you continue to have problems report back with what you have already tried, what the results were, what you tried to fix that problem, etc. The people here are very experienced, knowledgeable, and willing to help when they seen you've made an honest effort to work out the problem on your own first. Testing is very expensive. If you feel you don't have the time or resources to do it properly, jump out while you can. I have invested more that what I would have for a lifetime of Yankmees into my candle hobby, thinking I could make them cheaper. NOT! lol. It is a very expensive hobby, albeit rewarding when you get it nailed down. (But then we decide to change something and have to start all over again)!

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Oh believe me I have been "testing" for about 8 months now. I have mostly been working with CBA but have called it quits b/c of it's poor HT. I was just curious what wicks people are using for GB464. I am using ECO wicks but thinking about changing if there are people out there that have had better HT with them. I'm not asking people to give me a perfect recipe, just what wicks they like. But thanks for your comment :D

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I was just curious what wicks people are using for GB464. I am using ECO wicks but thinking about changing if there are people out there that have had better HT with them.
I think what folks are trying to tell you is that each candle is a system, consisting of the wax, the FO, any additives, the container size/shape and the wick. Searching the forums will find MUCH valuable information. People use different things and what they use is what works best for THEM. This is no guarantee it will work best for you with YOUR candle system. That's why you simply have to test different types to find out what works for you.

If you are dissatisfied with your ECO wicks, try CDs or CDNs. If you are uncertain of sizing, check out the Wicking for Newbies thread in the veggie wax forum, then compare the size you are using on the recommendation charts to get an idea of where to begin with another wick type. Searching for information often nets answers to follow-up questions. HTH :)

Edited by Stella1952
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It's hard getting answers on here. After you ask for help people say figure it out yourself. It's very frustrating.

I'm sorry, but it isn't that simple and you DO have to evaluate opinions, experiences and information for yourself. Many opposing viewpoints are discussed, thus it becomes each reader's responsibility to sift through the information presented, apply and test what is pertinent to your individual situation. Learning new skills does entail frustration because none of us was born knowing everything about everything. There is a HUGE compendium of research, information, opinions and experiences on this site that is FREE for those willing to use the search tool, read and test. Making quality candles requires a lot of work and study. There is no substitute for experience and active participation in learning. JMHO

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OK - here's another link to a thread from last year ...


As you can see there were lots of different opinions. Which is the "best?", who knows ...

Candle Science has a wick chart that is just as nebulous. Select 464 as your wax and then punch in the container size. You will see ECO, LX, CSN recommended for various sizes. Now they don't sell the CD or CDN wicks so you won't find a recommendation for them listed. http://www.candlescience.com/learning/wick-guide.php

So when Jack says ECO works they never said what size jar was being used ... so it may not work for your size container.

Edited by Judy, USMC
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i don't use 464, but do use 415..

and did quite a bit of testing with 464..but choose to use 415..

I tested about every wick available..

and chose cd wicks...

not saying it is the only wick that will work, but in my

experiance..it worked best for me most of the time..

so I decided to only use and test with cd's.

As I didn't want to test with several types of wicks..

It is all trial and error, an testing, and more testing..:)

and even when you think you have it all down..along comes a new

bottle of fo, of an old oil, that you have used over and over,,and it does not burn or preform like the old fo bottle..

so you start over..:confused: and yes sometimes you feel like pulling your hair out..

but it is fun, and so rewarding..

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HI, I started out using eco 10 in my JJ but for some scents they burnt to fast and others they didnt seem to get hot enough to get complete melt pool. SOOOOO I have been working w/ the htps now and they seem to be JUST the balance that I was looking for. The htp 105 does great w/ the spicier scents and on the other hand doesnt seem to burn up the other easier wicked scents. I can also wick down to 104 on easier scents, like blueberry for example. Hope that helps and have fun w/ candle making!! Mine started out as hobby, and this year we are going to make it an actual busines. funny how things change. you can read back on my old posts and see where I have even commented about just being a hobby!! Have a merry christmas!

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I use the Eco 14 or 16. I double wick for the 14's. It's hard getting answers on here. After you ask for help people say figure it out yourself. It's very frustrating. Anyway I hope I helped. :)

Jack thank you so much! I completely agree I'm just asking for suggestions from people to get a starting point, I mean I thought that's what this forum was for and it seems like there are more people telling me to just figure it out on my own. I don't want to test trial 20 different wicks it the majority of GB464 users are using the same kind of wicks (kind of like a poll to pick my top 2-3 choices). But thank you so much for answering my question :yay:

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I'm sorry, but it isn't that simple and you DO have to evaluate opinions, experiences and information for yourself. Many opposing viewpoints are discussed, thus it becomes each reader's responsibility to sift through the information presented, apply and test what is pertinent to your individual situation. Learning new skills does entail frustration because none of us was born knowing everything about everything. There is a HUGE compendium of research, information, opinions and experiences on this site that is FREE for those willing to use the search tool, read and test. Making quality candles requires a lot of work and study. There is no substitute for experience and active participation in learning. JMHO

So Stella your problem with this thread is that Zi'm asking people who use GB464 what wicks they use and have had best results with. You wanted me not to post this thread and read through 500 posts to collect my data? I spent several hours reading through all of it. All I asked was for peoples experiences. I don't really see the problem with that. I've had a lot of helpful responses. I don't want to know specifically what wicks with my containers and FO....I will figure that out through test and trial. But if I get 9 out of 10 people telling me that for them a certain wick performs well for them with the GB464 then that might be a good starting point for me. If you don't use Gb464 and have an experience to share with me then you don't have to reply to this thread. Thank you to everyone else for sharing your good experiences with me. It looks like I'm going to give the cdns a try and compare to the ECO wicks! Great responses!! :yay::yay:

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Becca, first, let me point out that my reply was to Jack (whose remarks I quoted) and not to you.

So Stella your problem with this thread is that Zi'm asking people who use GB464 what wicks they use and have had best results with.
You and Jack are newcomers to CT and to candlemaking. There are many folks just like you who join daily. If each one takes the shortcut of simply asking basic questions without first doing their own research and discovering, one doesn't learn HOW to evaluate and find information they need to become an accomplished chandler. Besides the threads, at the top of the veggie wax forum, there is a "sticky" thread titled "Soy and Soy Blend Recommendations."
All I asked was for peoples experiences. I don't really see the problem with that.
There's a thread in the OT area, entitled "What Happened?" (here's the link so you don't have to look it up like I just did)


In it are lots of opinions that echo how downright tired older members become of people asking basic questions that have been asked/answered hundreds of times over the years. The helpful replies to all of those threads are available to anyone using the search tool.

When I started reading at CT 6 years ago, I was terrified to post questions because newbs were not suffered well. When I did start posting, I took my share of licks that may have seemed mean, but were designed to kick me in the butt and encourage me to do my own research to learn, but I never forgot the sting of those replies. So, whenever I learned something, I made it my mission to share what I learned (and, more importantly, HOW ad WHERE I learned it) for other newbs who were not as stubborn and committed to learning as I am. As many will attest (to their consternation in some cases), I have written volumes of basic information here for ALL to share, laugh at, learn from or ignore. Countless other sage members have done the same before and after me. We have TRIED to make it EASY for folks like you to find information. We point you in directions that will tell you HOW to discover these things. We search for and post links FOR you, yet you complain when directed to "do your own homework."

You wanted me not to post this thread and read through 500 posts to collect my data? I spent several hours reading through all of it.
You can do what you want. It isn't my place to tell anyone what they "should" and "should not" post. I assume that if you post a question, you are expressing some minimal interest in learning. This same question has been asked/answered many times. If you reviewed the older threads to which you have been pointed, you would have learned that people use HTPs, LXs, RRDs, hemp and even square braid successfully. This was the point behind my telling you that candles are a SYSTEM. There IS NO ONE MAGIC WICK for a particular brand of wax! You would also learn that while CDNs are wonderful wicks (I should know - I use them almost exclusively), there are very few suppliers of them in the US. By reading the discussions about CDNs, you would have learned that they are IDENTICAL to CDs (more easily found) except for the treatment applied to them to resist oxidation by acids in veggie waxes. You'd also notice that each time the exact same question is asked, fewer and fewer people reply, particularly ones who have been participating on this forum for many years. Many are simply too busy this time of year MAKING and SELLING candles to help new folks. Why SHOULD they take money-making time out of their days to share information with new folks that they learned by countless hours of research, money, trial and error? So they can help new folks rush into the marketplace, compete with them for the fewer dollars people have to spend on luxury items (candles ARE luxuries in our society, ya know) and sell inferior products (because they DIDN'T do their homework) which makes all home chandlers look bad?
But if I get 9 out of 10 people telling me that for them a certain wick performs well for them with the GB464 then that might be a good starting point for me.
Or not. As I pointed out earlier, people use ALL BRANDS of wicks successfully in this wax. All you are drawing from is the replies you got to THIS particular thread! Do you know the people who replied to you? Do you know their level of expertise? Do you know if they have tried other types of wicks or just went with what someone else said to try?

IMHO, the very BEST replies you received from this thread were the first two from IWantITGreen and JudyUSMC. Sorry your feathers are ruffled, but you've been GIVEN a great deal already. Popping off at me for suggesting that you do some searches is not going to make you a better chandler. My apologies in advance for the hijack.

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Wow Stella you are a real pessimist and kind of making this a hostile environment for beginers like me. I didn't realize that us newbies were overloading the system with our questions. I did spend hors reading through threads (until 3 am) but thought maybe it would be nice to actually have a thread that answered my specific question and to help others in the future. I just don't understand the problem here. I thought this was a tool to help and a forum for questions and discussion. Your answer to every question cannot be look at other posts, otherwise this would not be an open forum for discussion it would just be a list of procedures. I'm done with this and if you have a problem with me asking questions I'm sorry, just don't answer!

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beccakatzen - So after all of this I think you actually wanted to post a poll in the Veggie Wax section ... something titled "464 Users - What wicks do you use?" You could list all of the options.

However, I did another search (464 wicks) and read the responses. I predict that ECO and CD/CDN will be the top vote getters.


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