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New at this... NEED HELP!

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I poured my first candle two days ago. This is what I used:

Libbey Cylinder 22 ounce container (diameter: 3.75")

EcoSoya CB Xcel 16 ounces

Fragrance Oil 1.5 ounces

Liquid Dye

UV Light Stabilizer

ECO-14 6" Wick

I started test-burning the candle @ 4pm today (four hours ago). My melt pool hasn't reached the sides of the container yet. It is close, but not quite there. Everything else about the candle is fine (color good; wick good - no mushrooming, flickering, smoking or soot; no wetspots; surface perfect - no cracks or frosting; good CT & HT; good flame height). The only other thing that I noticed was that after the candle was lit, there were small beads of oil on the surface (which I know is from using too much FO). I am going to change the amount of FO to 1 ounce per 16 ounces of wax. Will that also correct my melt pool not being quite full?

Thanks for "listening". Any advice is appreciated.


"Candles for Connie"

Happily making candles in memory of my mom.

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Thanks, Soy327! It is a relief to know that my candle isn't ruined due to not reaching full melt point during first burn. I was afraid that I would have to order new wicks, pay for them, and then wait for the shipment.:waiting:

Now I will go ahead and make another candle. :yay:


IMO you don't need to get a full melt pool on the 1st burn, or the 2nd, maybe not the 3rd. It should clean the jar on the way down. I only use 6% in 464/xcel mix or 1oz PP. You might wanna back down.
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I agree with Soy, getting a wall to wall pool on the first burn is not necessary. Also, you have a pretty wide jar and while the wider pool does tend to have a better HT, its tough to wick. Sounds like you're off to a good start.

I don't think the sweating is the cause of the pool diameter being what you report. I think pool diameter is a function of heat and wax density.

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Your welcome, Take pics if you can I would love to see them. Keep us posted on the progress too.

Soy327, I will have to wait on my husband to take pictures... I don't want to try figuring out his camera. As soon as I do get pictures, I will make sure to share them. I really appreciate your input, Soy327!

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I probably should say that additives do alter the wax properties so your melt pool diameter does change. And, i think that the more FO, the larger the melt pool for a given wick, so if you cut back FO, you "might" use a larger wick, but likely the difference will be negligable.

I don't know how the UV effects the wax burn, I don't use it. I do know that if I use vybar, I have to increase the wick size and increase the heat. Sometimes this is not good in containers so I tend to not use additives in containers.

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You should burn the candle all the way down to see how it burns at the bottom of the jar. Many jar candles the wax will catch up and burn down the sides as it nears the bottom. I never wick a candle to get full melt pool on the 1st burn as thats not my goal. I want my candle to burn all the way down with as complete wax consumption as possible, no visable soot or smoking, and not being so hot to the touch you can't pick up the jar.

You are lucky to get great H&C throw on your first candle. Especially after only a 2 day cure. Soy can be frustrating to work with as not all FOs work well in soy and some can take a week or more to cure in the wax. You can use up to 1.5 oz FO per lb with Ecosoya Excel. Some soy candle makers often use that amount of FO on certain FOs. I would start out with 6% FO load (about 1 oz pp of wax) to test then go up from there if needed.

Sounds like you are starting off pretty good if your only problem is not achieving a full melt pool on your first burn.

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Thank you ALL so much! I have been reading the threads/postings over the past three days. I started researching candle making two months ago - reading, reading and reading some more. I wish I had started my research HERE... everyone is extremely knowledgeable.

I appreciate all of the time and effort it took to respond to my posting.


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