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Would this be tacky?


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I personally don't think so. Of course, that is just my opinion. I make candles, tarts, soaps, jewelry and other handmade items. On my business cards for example......"So and So Candles and Gifts" is what I have put. This way I don't say I am exclusively selling candles. I do a lot of different handmade items that I sell also. I don't feel like I am being tacky in doing this. You never know, if you are selling candles, soaps and tarts only you may be limiting yourself to one certain customer base who may be looking for other handmade items that you do have but aren't putting out for people to take a look at and have the opportunity to buy from you. Again, this is just my personal opinion. :cheesy2:

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I'm with the other girls, its all in the presentation! I wish I had been allowed to photograph some of the booths at this show I did a few weeks back but theres, were people who set up the most AMAZING displays.. they looked like living rooms with EVERYTHING for sale, even the tables. It looked like it should be cluttered.. but it worked, and they sold a ton. If it had all just been laying on tables, it would have been tacy.. but because it was displayed so beautifully.. it just plain worked.

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Presentation certainly IS the key as others have said. You have to make your booth look inviting. When I am at a craft show...an inviting booth always draws me into it. Stuff lined up flat on a table...I pass by those most of the time.

The only thing that I can think of...and this may be what you were thinking rebeccajo99. I used to do a yearly show in September that was sponsered by the Rotary Club. They stopped holding the show a few years ago. Anyway...the promoter of the show once told me that when screening applications he usually rejected apps from vendors who were selling a lot of different items. He wanted strictly handmade crafts and felt that people who were selling a large variety were buying wholesale from large businesses and then reselling. I told him that he needed to ask for pictures...that way he could weed out the resellers. Well...one year my booth was beside a woman who did hand embroidering on sweatshirts, denim jumpers, aprons etc. He questioned her at the show about using the bought items of clothing. When looking over her app he thought SHE made the pieces and then did the embroidering. She said no...because the cost would make the prices too high. He told her she could stay through the show but would NOT be invited back. Damn...he was tough. Later when we talked I said...Darryl you were a bit rough on that lady. After all...I am selling tart burners that I buy wholesale and resell them. He said...that is different because you HAVE to have the burner to melt the tart. She COULD make the clothing items and do the work on them. I said...well I guess I could make the tart burners...but I choose not too. LOL And then I said...the same thing with jewelry. They COULD make their own beads but choose not too because of cost.

Bottom line...I could NOT budge him on the poor lady with the clothing. Oh...and btw...her stuff was gorgeous. Definitely something I would have bought for myself or as a gift. And she did special orders too.

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Ever since I started using co-workers to test my candles, they've been on the lookout for anyone in the area that is selling candles. Today someone brought me a candle and a business card from an athletic event expo. The candle was about 2 ounces at most in an octagonal glass for $2.50. Good CT. The card said candles and jewelry and it was not tacky at all. (The candle was a re-sale.)

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Thanks guys for all of your encouragement. I never made jewelry before, but I bought the stuff yesterday to start practicing. I want to make just resin pendents (for now :)). I was with my aunt yesterday and told her what I wanted to do. She was looking through a book on resin jewelry while I was picking out my supplies and said she wants me to make beads for the jewelry that she makes too!!! I have not started yet and I already have an order. Good thing she didn't put a due date on it so I don't feel pressure if testing and practicing doesn't go smoothly :laugh2:

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I see nothing wrong with it.People like variety.

Present it well and you should get a variety of customers.IMO people will take a second look when they see different things and more items they might like to buy.

I am thinking about making jewlery but I never sit down. I never relax but making jewelry people can sit and watch TV. I never watch TV.


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Oooooh! If you do resin jewelry I might have to order from you too! I wanted to do it but was afraid of the fumes so I passed. I love the necklaces with the candy sprinkles & the little letters inside. I also want a resin pendant with a pic of the Wicked Witch of the West and having it say "Yes, I am!" :laugh2: I wish I could find someone to do that for me.

As far as selling a bunch of stuff together, so long as it is presented well I say go for it! I love buying handmade things! The more variety that someone has, the longer I will stay at their booth.

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