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Blending FO's newbie question


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So I am going over the scent selections of a few suppliers and found some that seem like they could be a good mix, to make a combined scent. But I'm wondering if blending FO's is like mixing colors-will two FO's keep their "individuality" or combine? Like if you mix yellow and blue, you get green...what if you mix peppermint and lavender-will you get a more minty lavender, or something that doesn't smell like either?

I'm asking before trying only because there are a few I don't think I would use alone, like Fireplace from BCN, and I don't want to order a bunch (I'm ordering samples, but still), mix them and come up with something completely different and stinky, lol.

I'd like to try things like sugar cookies and hot cocoa (maybe a hint of some type of frosting too) for instance, but I want a candle that smells like you walked into the kitchen when you're drinking hot cocoa and baking Christmas cookies (I'm not sure what those could combine to smell like other than that, but I guess if you've never mixed yellow and blue you wouldn't imagine it would become green).

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The answer to your question is to test it out. I went nuts one year mixing and blending lots and lots of oils. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. You never know til you try.

After a while you start getting better at it and have fewer 'stink' bombs and more great blends and ideas for blends.

Our mixology queen is Candlebuddy. If you do a search you can find some terrific mixes she has come up with.

Edited by Candybee
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I read somewhere about a q-tip test. Then you put those in a bag and come back and sniff...however, I have sniffed a lot of oils in the last four years so may be a little :P!!!

I do mix my own caramel apple, smores, apple stuff. I just add little by little until I get the right scent I am looking for. I usually start with half ounce of base like apple and work on up from there. I use the droppers with measurements so I can know how much I use and write it down.

I created a strawberry cheesecake that freaking rocks, so it is worth your while to play a little and test if you feel the urge.

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The Q-tip test doesn't work for me. I use my tart warmer bowl to add oil blends too. Then I warm up the oils and let the scent fill the room. If I like I keep the 'recipe'. If not, I dump in the trash and try another blend.:)

I saved a bunch of those plastic medicine cap dispensers you get from Robitussen cough syrup. They come with each bottle so I saved the caps because they have these filler lines in them. I fill oil up to the first line to get an accurate measure of oil. Then use the same cap to use for another oil I want to try mixing in. That way I use less than an ounce of oil per blend so I don't waste a lot.

Edited by Candybee
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