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Coloring palm wax

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After I get my palm candle wicked correctly I would like to experiment a little with color. Ive never colored my candles before so this is new to me. The colors I'm going for would be more of the muted colors. My style is more primitive country so am looking for some deep greens, burgundys, butter yellows, browns, ect.

Based on the colors I'm trying to achieve is it better to start with the liquid dyes or the reddig glow dye chips. This is for gg palm.

Thanks guys :)

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Personally I have found that I have more control over color depth if I use the liquids. I have some flakes, chips & block too but I almost always reach for the liquid. It could be just me but I prefer them. I am only using a couple of drops per lb and the bottle seems to last forever (have soem bottles that are 2-3 yrs old and still going strong) so it is more economical for me too.

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For me I found that the liquid dyes would discolor more often than dye chips even when using UV Inhibitor. I do a lot of outdoor shows and markets during the summer and early fall so I have to have colors that stay true.

I also sometimes get an off smell in a few scents using the dyes once the candle has been toted around after a few weeks of doing shows. So I tried the ReddiGlo dye chips and no more discoloration or off smells.

I use the chips for both soy and palm candlemaking. For parrafin I tend to use the liquid.

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