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Looking for a replacement for MW Witches Brew


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Howdy All,

I love the Witches Brew from MW, but don't have much hope of it being there anytime soon. Noticed NG had a Witches Brew. Does anyone know if it is similiar? Or who might have a comparable one? Also looking for a dupe for MW Merlin's Forest.

Thanks for your time.



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Merlins Forest is one of a kind. Don't think your going to find it anywhere else cause she mixes it herself.

For witches brew I just poured a tester from C&S and so far am liking it. I use GG palm and CSN wicks and am impressed so far. Every now and then I find some good oils at C&S.

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No, LOL, it was a real thank you, LOL! Never ordered from Southern Gardens, so if I try that, I will end up ordering other stuff, can't pay shipping for just one item :). Also never ordered FO's from C&S, so the same applies there. So many scents, so little time.

Already used over 100 pounds of GG palm testing scents, containers and wicks. But have lots of good usable data now! It helps that I am somewhat housebound at the moment (one too many IED hits, LOL), so can test all day long. Combine that with not sleeping a whole lot and boy howdy can I do some testing LOL. Of course can always make it out to CS to pick up larger orders :cheesy2:.

But I do like the Witches Brew and Merlin's Forest.



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NG's witches brew smells nothing like MW or Y**ke. it has some weird sweet/licorice?? smell going on. Candles & Supplies is more like the y**ke version and similar to MW, but is missing the "earthy" note. actually, i prefer the C & S version. i usually have to wick up with this in 8 oz. jelly.


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