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OMG possibly the sleaziest candle maker ever

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Another thing I would do is make some candles with "5x the amount of fragrance oil" to demomstrate seepage.

Display it next to one of your quality, correctly made candles. Seeing is believing and this will give your customers a better understanding of fo loads.

Explain it in terms they can relate to- a towel, sponge, etc can only absorb so much water and no more. Wax works much the same way and wicks are a whole other book.

Maybe even next to your fo seepage display you could set two bowls with water and a sponge. One saturated but not seeping, the other overloaded with water. Squeeze out your properly loaded sponge then lay the spnge back in the bowl and let it reabsorb the water.

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Welllllll, hubby is breaking down my craft show tables and I'm sitting in a chair kinda exhausted and feeling smug at the same time....bit$ch slap candles was there...but attendance was low....maybe 200 people total. One seller next to me (she sold the herbal heating pads that you put in the microwave) didn't make one sale...sadly she was the norm and not the exception...only jewelry sellers, and there were tons of them, seemed to have traffic jams at their tables. First thing I did at 7:30 am I had my husband amble over to bit$ch slaps table and buy a simple jar candle...at that point in time only vendors were in the building..she had no idea he was with me but went ahead and sold him him an 8oz plain jar candle and gave him a "professional courtesy" and charged him $5.00 instead of $6.00. I brought warming lamps as I was selling those also and put one

at one end of my table and another on at the other end with a Dixie cup of coffee beans in the center to cleanse the nostrils...this was so much fun...Jay bought a lily of the valley candle from her and I put hers under the candle warmer light

and one of my lily of the valley candles way the hell on the other side by 9am both candle tops were liquid...my lily of the valley oil was from sweet cakes, hers turned out to be an Easter lily closeout oil from bitter creek. EVERY single person thought hers smelled sour and thankfully weak cuz she mainly only pours a heavily scented top. Her table was set up close to the entrance and I was one of the last tables in the gym. She had loads of returns. Now I will admit that I was a beeyotch but at

least I'm a moral beeyotch....she pitched a hissy that was truly a thing of beauty. I have always set up across from the one other soaper at the craft show and she stepped up and defended me to the chairperson of the show. I told the chairperson to go sniff bit$h slaps tissue paper and sure enough it was scented. They in turn went through all of my tubs, tissue paper, boxes etc and I was clean...I did have 100 1oz bottles of oils but they went with the smelly jellies, I let customers select their own

scents. I sold over 50 smelly jellies for $8.00 ea but I either hand painted the jars, decorated the lids and they could also choose from a selection of vintage labels. My container candles and asst of tart warmers and tarts sold well....I had a bunch of toaster shaped warmers and toast shaped tarts...Clamshells did poorly and the Candle lamp Warmers sold with a 16oz candle went for $27.00. I ended up giving free clamshells to anyone who spent over $20.00. Finally bit$ch slap was asked to leave

because her tax I'd number wasn't valid and she was charging tax. Also, I donated a hatbox full of soaps and candles for a door prize and the woman who won it went home, unwrapped everything and called me (my numbers were on my business card) and asked me if I would consider doing a home party for local teachers she wanted to throw....I've never done one before but I told her I do an annual white sale in January and she asked me to please do it at the school board building and the

would take care of advertising and would take 20% of the take for their PINS (person in need of supervision) student program...all of my animal bath poofs sold and yesterday I found Turtle poofs, monkey poofs and octopus poofs at the Christmas Tree Shop. The bath poofs sold out within the first hour and I brought 30 of them ....damn zebras stayed home but the others--- pig, frog and dolphins went for $10.00 ea. Once we do the math I probably netted less than I thought I would however, I still have 4 more shows to do and in the past I never

had to restock as much as I will have to this year....I went from 2 craft shows in 2007, 08, & 09-to doing 5 shows this year, seeing as I was out of business for 18 months and I had to order everything from soap base, to wax to oils etc....I started out several hundred in the hole but from here out it will mostly be profit.

Best of all it felt good to be back and feel productive again. It was though very hard to see up close and personal the economic crunch....many sellers didn't even sell enough to make the price of their tables.

Okay, hubby giving me what I call "the ole stink eye" and he's throwing tissue paper snow balls at me.

Tomorrow we'll be married 33 years and I'm buying dinner...

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Would have loved to be a witness to those happenings! Forget the show, it sounds like you had the best act. Can't even imagine having them inspect your stuff, too funny and I doubt she will ever forget you. Kewl move with the candle BTW - wish I had been there.

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I think my name will be on her lips for a while....I tried to stay on the high road but I may have lost my footing here and there and the going thru my stuff was like I was at the airport....she just kept making these strange sounds but I'm glad I did what I did, people like her make it harder for the rest of us....oh...her 5x the scent tarts?! One lady was at my table telling me that the others ladies tarts had more scent than mine, it was red hot cinnamon scent, I know this cuz it was so slimy I can still smell it on my hands and I burned my lip when I went to sniff the tart...lol

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Next, of course, is a courtesy letter to the IRS and the City/County Tax folks about the money she was collecting on an invalid tax ID. This nation is in enough debt, we don't need people like that collecting tax money and keeping it. She should go to a federal prison where she will learn the true nature of B*#@ $lapping.

There are too many people that have made too many sacrifices over the last few hundred years to build this great nation. Folks who want to fraud and cheat and tear it down should be removed from society.

Edited by EricofAZ
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Next, of course, is a courtesy letter to the IRS and the City/County Tax folks about the money she was collecting on an invalid tax ID. This nation is in enough debt, we don't need people like that collecting tax money and keeping it. She should go to a federal prison where she will learn the true nature of B*#@ $lapping.

There are too many people that have made too many sacrifices over the last few hundred years to build this great nation. Folks who want to fraud and cheat and tear it down should be removed from society.


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That's awesome!! Glad you had a good show and you bi!*% slapped her rear end right out the door!!! She surely will never forget you and she deserved everything she got so don't for a second feel bad about slipping on the road. That was totally genius to get one of her candles so people could compare the bi!*% slapped scent with your much superior candles!!! I would have loved to see her reaction. Should have had the hubby record it with his phone so all of us could see it go down. I think we all would have loved to have seen that. And you could have posted it on you tube... right next to the homemade ghetto candles. I can see the post now Bi!*% slapped scent gets Bi!8% slapped!!! :laugh2:

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Don't pay those kind of people any attention. I've been doing farmers markets and craft fairs for 14 years and I've seen and heard it all. Even a gal who took a soap making class from me and a month later showed up at a street fair (she applied before knowing how to make the soap!) and one of the farmers markets I do. People who have bad attitude and/or talk down their "competition" are not going to make it in the long run. I have seen many soap/bb people come and quickly go over the years. Keep making your best quality products, put your best face forward, be kind, professional and generous to customers and you will be the one left standing at the end. This is how I have always run my business and it consistently keeps the roof over my head.

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