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Dye chips issue

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I am using 6006 wax in apothcary 12 oz jars. Used red dye chips.

Brought the wax up to 190 degrees poured at 175. Looked very nice when it was cooling. Once cooled I have little red specs at the bottom of my jar. Almost looks like the dye chips. Tiny the size of a pin head maybe smaller. Whats up with this?

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This is caused by specs of the dye chip. More noticeable in dark/bold colors. They are not dissolved, but it seems to me like sometimes those specs seem dissolved, but really are not- it is hard to tell because it is all the same color. I stopped using chips and switched to liquid dye. :smiley2:

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Wax at 190 degrees should melt the dye chips. You have to do a lot of stirring to make sure they are completely melted. It took me a couple of pours before I got the hang of it. I add the dye chips first, then measure and weigh out my FO to add to my wax while the chips are melting in the pour pot. Then I blend, blend, blend, everything together. Adding dye first then FO second helped me.

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For me, when I'm out of red chips then life will be good to stay liquid in that color. Till then, when I do find a need to use those chips, I melt into something else (like a metal egg poaching pan), remove the stuff that won't melt and add the rest to already fragranced wax. I won't make the mistake of coloring my wax first before adding fragrance simply because of those FOs that are hard to mix in. Just had one of those in the Ebony & Ivory candles I did and it took a lot of stirring to get it to mix. Just glad I didn't color. It's easier to see the oil slick without the color if you know what I mean. Do what works for you though.

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