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Cinnamon & Palm Wax

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I was just curious if anyone else was having an issue with cinnamon and cinnamon blends smelling like fuel or a nasty burnt smell?

I have been burning a 50/50 blend of Mac Apple and Red Hot Cinnamon both from CS at 1oz per lb. I also tried Cranberry Marmalade at the same concentration with the same results. I have had no issue with these scents in CB135 but with Glass Glow at 1oz per lb they just smell gross. Cure time for these was 1 week as well.

All other scents I have used smell and burn great...just seems to be the FOs with strong cinnamon.

I just poured another batch of both using .8oz per lb this time to see if maybe I just had too much FO. Will see how this goes.

Has anyone else had good luck with a cinnamon blend or just straight cinnamon with Glass Glow that they would care to share? :)



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I had posted this in the Fragrance section as well and Candybee mentioned that with some FOs you can definitely get away with using less. I did pour a couple of testers at 5% FO vs the usual 6.25% to see if it makes a difference. What fragrance load are you guys using with the Glass Glow if you dont mind me asking?

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You don't need to go down in fragrance load for each scent. The glass glow can handle 1 oz per lb for most oils. I suggested lowering your scent load from 1 oz to .5 or .75 oz per lb for the oil you are getting the fuel smell from. Lowering the load may be all that is needed.

Or sometimes mixing/blending an oil with another; eg.; vanilla, will help eliminate the fuel smell.

I asked you what wicks you were using as this can also have an effect. I only use the CSN because the were specifically designed for the glass glow. Haven't experienced any fuel smells with these wicks using cinnamon or any other FOs used so far. They do produce a higher flame but that is because of the wick treatment for this particular wax. I use the csn 12 in my 3" salsa jars because it had the lowest flame, the best consumption, and didn't leave the glass too hot to touch.

So there are my suggestions you can try to get rid of the fuel smell:

1. Lower the FO load

2. Try another wick

3. Try blending your cinnamon oil with another oil such as a vanilla type; another spice; or something compatable

4. Try another cinnamon; lots of suppliers out there. What works for others may not work for you.

Good luck. Hope you find a solution.

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Hmm...I have been using palm for a couple of years and never noticed this. I may have just lucked out but I have quite a few cinnamon/spice heavy blends and never had an issue. Hopefully backing down a bit will resolve it for you.

BTW - I use 1 oz PP and ECO wicks.

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