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What did I do wrong?


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I made my first HP soaps this weekend, it was fun! :yay: My first batch very basic recipe no color, it turned out fine.

2nd batch decided to add color, I have some FD&C color from CandleMakers Store, it says "Use in lotions, soaps and water based applicatons" So after my soap was done cooking I pulled some out and put a few drops of the color in. It totally would not mix and dissapeared into the soap :shocked2: So I left it at that and finished the soap!

Was just wondering if anyone knew what I did wrong or if the type of coloring I chose was not for soap even tho it said it was! :confused:

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I just went to the site and this is what it said....

Use for Glycerin soaps, lotions, liquid soaps, bath bombs, bath fizzies, body splashes, and just about any type of water based bath and body product. Cold process Soap can make some colors turn during the process so please check carefully first before doing a full batch for color compatibility

...it doesn't say anything about HP so maybe it was not suppose to be used for that. I have a few mica samples, I'm going to give them a try and see what happens.

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