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How many oils do you soap with?


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Just a curiousity question. My favourite soap recipe uses 8 oils and sometimes 9. I've been tweaking my recipe lately and every blue moon I make a 3 or 4 oil soap recipe. I love my current recipe but it takes time measuring out 8 oils.

Do the majority of your use an 3 oil recipe or a larger one? Do you find that more oils or less oils makes your soap better?

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I dont use palm so my soaps are variations on a basic 7 oil recipe I love.. which is Coconut, Olive, Sweet Almond, Shea, Cocoa, Castor and Soybean.

If someone wants a non-soybean soap (allergies) I've done some with canola, grapeseed, apricot kernel... I play around with all kinds of oils but my basic bar is the 7 oils above and it tends to work for everyone unless they want something special.

I also make lard soaps sometimes, but I generally dont sell them unless someone requests it. My shop is vegan so I hate having to make a special note that this *DOES* have lard in it.

One of my favorite recipes to this day is a coconut, canola, oilve, castor. I adore the bars I made with that recipe years ago. It was 30% canola and no DOS, even now... THREE years later! But I never sold those bars and wouldnt produce them for sale now.. too unreliable. Funny how that works though!!

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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I finally got brave enough to try my own recipe and so far I am liking it. It has 7 oils. Almond, Avocado, castor, coconut, olive, shea butter, palm kernel

Just a simple tip for you that I learned. I bought some plastic pitchers with tops and when I measure out oils for a batch I will measure out a bunch at a time. I am so messy and end up so greasy that it is easier for me to just get that way once for about 5 or 6 soaps. I just line them up and when I have one oil I will measure it out for all the pitchers and then start over again.

Just put your lids on and you are ready to go when you are ready to make a batch. It takes some time in the beginning but it is nice to be able to make a quick batch when I don't have a ton of time because the oils are ready.



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Thanks everyone for your comments.


Great idea about the measuring out ahead of time. I've yet to try master batching but I think that would solve my problem except that I don't keep my bar size consistent but could have to master batches one for one size bar and one for the other. It would make life so much easier.

I did though after 8 years stop using a thermometer for my CP soaps and that makes life easier for sure.

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