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Can you use something you measured scent with again for food?

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Couldn't find this in the searches...

I need to measure some scent; if I use something from home can it be used again later for food? I know you can't with wax.

If not, what's the best thing to buy? I just need to measure out an ounce.

Speaking of wax, why can't you reuse things that have touched wax?

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If you do a search, you may find an old thread from someone who spilled FO on her counter and then made her husband a sandwich. He was not happy. I don't re-use anything from candle making for food. But if you absolutely must, be sure it is non-porous like glass and not plastic which can absorb the scent. JMO.

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With the wax I meant that everything says to use things that you'll never use for food with wax, and I was wondering why, since they put wax on food. I'm wondering if it's the wax or if it's just the FO that's bad. (I know the FO is, but is the wax?)

Thanks for the help. :) I'll just go get something from the store then.

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If it's metal or glass, you can just put it through the dishwasher and use it with food.

In a way, wax is even less of an issue because none of the waxes are toxic. Paraffin residue is a little harder to remove than others, but it's doable. Soy wax is just vegetable oil and is really no more of a problem than bacon grease. Palm wax is basically oil and fatty acids and should be just as washable.

Just don't re-use things that are plastic or otherwise porous because they absorb stuff and it isn't possible to clean them completely.

Edited by topofmurrayhill
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Just a tip.. if you want cheap and disposale, little paper dixie cups work great for measuring out up to 5oz, and I use 3oz little glass cups more often than the paper because like everyone said a trip through the dishwasher and its all good :)

But yeah... I keep everything seperate. Its just easier! Then DH doesnt make soup in my pyrex measuring cups, lol.

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I use shot glasses, they can hold the oil longer than dixie cups and are easily washable. I lucked out and got about 3 doz of them for free. My cousin had them made as favors for his wedding and had left over ones even after people asked for more.

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I use shot glasses as well. Works great, easy to clean out. I am trying to go "green" in my business, so I get as many things that are reusable as possible. I'm trying to think of something to even replace paper towels for cleaning out my pour pots.

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