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Katshe is the first three letters of my first and last name:)

kd stands for kathy and danielle (me/daughter)

Scented you make me smile with all that thinking your doing :0

candybee thanks for that last suggestion...I do like it but I am thinking of keeping the original name and then name the products

Like avon does and others

avon has many lines like planet spa, naturals, back to basic..etc.

I am just beginning the process of going into business after five years of making and testing products , I have sold steadily to fam and friends during this time and I am excited to go to the next level but scared at the same time...

Naming the business has hit a nerve with some customers and not with others. It's hard to please everyone!

My biggest gripper doesn't buy my products but is married to my son and he is gripping too...Funny I offered him a bar of soap if he wants to have a say. Joking of course.

one customer hates the greenbriar name

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Man that sounds like family for ya!

But family came up with our name lol.

I really like the Greenbrier most, especially because you can so play off that name the most ... however, I like Katshe too because it is an exotica (not erotica lol) feel to it.

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Can I rain on the parade a bit and just add in that the Dollar Store's brand name is Greenbrier? Every time you pick something up at the Dollar Store look at the label under it and you will see that name. Not that you can't use it because they do, but to me it associates dollar store product with you. Maybe there is not a Dollar Store in your area and it will be fine. And if you just love love love it, go for it anyways.

Just wanted to give you something to think about ahead of time jic it could come up later. :tiptoe:

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blazerina, everyone has been raining on my parade so no worries..one needs outside input to get a look at things you don't think about yourself so ...all advise has been helpful!!

final answer here is

k.d. Essentials - Same name I had before I started the brainstorming :)

Some peeps think if I change the name to incorporate the use of the idea that products are natural etc that i limit myself to only b& b natural products. I have a tendency to add things like art and what not.

k.d. essentials is wide open to everything I keep adding.

Then the products can be their own name like Pure soap, Pure face, Pure body scrub,

maybe a line for teens called naturefix ...jjust rambling

Mens line Bigshot lol, (larger bars)..or something Macho

Ya, still need to work that all out :laugh2:

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Good point about keeping it open to give the products individual & more specific names. That's something I like to do because I like to make each product have more of an actual purpose to it, so that makes total sense to me.

Good Luck :)

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