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Fundraiser Sample Ideas....

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I currently make little cups for fundraiser samples when a group does a fundraiser with me.

I make up to 10 - 20 bags with 12 scent cups in them.

They are time consuming buy the time I pour, label and lid 240 cups per group, especially since my fundraiser are picking up.

For the fall I am trying to think of a quicker and more efficient way of getting sample scents out to my fundraiser groups. It helps sales, so I do not want to stop offering the samples.

I was thinking about little polypro bags with crumbles, or a small piece of white card board air freshener sample in a bag??

Thought I would see what you all do and get some new ideas...:cheesy2:

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I see C&S has something called Stinky Paper?? Anyone ever use this?

Stinky Paper THICK (.06) - 4" x 6"

Make your own shapes with our stinky paper blanks. Fits perfectly in Sizzix and most other scrapbook die cutting systems. Thick size is the same density that are used for our pre-cut shapes. Sold per sheet.

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I might be blowing major smoke here :tiptoe:, but what about tealights? Whenever pour a new scent I make sure I have enough wax to pour a few tealights, I give them to friends & family to try out so they can let me know if they like the scents or not. Just a suggestion! :lipsrseal

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At the BC Convention a couple of years ago there was a presentation on fundraisers. The presenter used unwicked clear tealights to pour samples into then put them into the clear tealight tubes. He said he had boxes of these for each scent he offered for fundraisers and would just make up the tubes using whichever scents that particular fundraiser was offering. Once done he emptied the tubes and put them back into their respective boxes for the next one. Because this was a decent "investment" to make he charged the fundraiser back for each tube not returned (or had a set $ amount that the tubes could be purchased for if the end seller wanted to keep them) to cover his cost if one didn't come back and encourage their return at the end of the fundraiser. They made a GREAT presentation and were fairly durable (ie. could bounce around in kids backpacks without getting destroyed). Just a thought.

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Something that I have used before that worked pretty nice was hinged plastic containers. There are a few sites for similar items but here is one of them. http://www.sks-bottle.com/340c/PlasticHingeTop.html The ones that I used we the 08 size http://www.sks-bottle.com/340c/fin69c.html Similar to a tealight but with a cap that doesn't get lost. Less chance of mixed smells and even if it does melt they are less likely to spill due to the cap. Plus they are reusable.

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I just remembered that Water Color paper holds scent well too :)

I am looking into something like that now. It is the stinky paper from C&S. But I may get some of the water color paper at the craft store today and try it.

That way I can print the scent on the paper, brush it with scent and stick in in a little baggie. I figure I can print them address label size.

It would save sooooo lot of time. The samples would be disposable and lighter to ship than 240 sample cups. OOOHHH I hope this works.. :cheesy2:

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Don't forget that certain scents will smell different over time especially on paper. Consider perfumes. Once put on the body, clothing, or? they will change through the night.

Test some of the oils and let them sit for a while then smell them again, repeat after a while, and repeat again. Putting the scent into a heavier medium, ie wax, lotions, etc allows it to remain truer for longer. Of course this is all dependent on the type of oils. Scent mixtures, ie warm apple pie or country garden, will change over time much more than straight scents, ie Patchouli or vanilla. The more complex the scent the more it could change. Test before you send. ;)

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I got the thin paper you can print on. It is not paper thin, and I had a little trouble putting it thru my inkjet printer, but it does work.

It's just a blank piece of cardboard air-freshener. :)

I printed out my biz info and scent on it then dabbed the back with FO and put them in little zip lock pp bags. I made them about 2 weeks or so ago and they still smell great!!

This will make fundraiser samples a lot easier than pouring all those little sample cups.. Hope this helps..

Thanks to all who helped me and gave suggestions.. :cheesy2:

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