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Having such a hard time choosing

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I guess i dont really have one, just trying to decide on scents. How many scents does everyone else take to shows? In candles, tarts, lotions, bath melts, car fresheners, etc. and the quantities? I'm trying to remember how many i took to my last show. I had like 6 cases of candles, but i cant remember how many different scents. And i cant find any of my info that i had written down about it.

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20 sounds good to me ... I try to have about 4 or 5 scents in each category ... fruit, bakery, fresh, floral.

May I ask about how much product in each scent? :tiptoe: If it's easier to pick just one product to reply about that will still be helpful, for example, how many container candles of each scent? Tia!

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I carry 12 scents for shows making sure I have some from each catagory like Candlebuddy. For large shows I carry a case of each and smaller shows about 4-6 of each scent. I also have 2 sizes so the large I just carry 2-4 of each scent unless its a bigger show.

I also have 12 scents in soap. Many match the candles but not all. I carry a minimum of 8-12 bars of soap per scent. For lotion I have narrowed it down to 4 scents. I carry one size lotion bottle and pack a large box full of lotion cause I never know which show will sell out the lotion. For lip balms I carry a basket full with 4 flavors.

I also have a table set up to sell discontinued candles from last season. This works out fine because I have customers that like fall/holiday scents anytime during the year. I reverse it in the fall where I will carry discontinued spring/summer scents. That way I have lots current scents and seasonal scents and sell off stock instead of it laying around.

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My best sellers at my last show (I brought 12 scents to this one because I was limited on space) were same as always...

Strawberry shortcake was a new one, did pretty well... Plumeria sold out (always does), Pink Sugar sold out too. Fruit Slices (CS) sold out, and I noticed quite a few of the Wild Raspberries were gone...

what suprised me was I only sold ONE gardenia (usually a top seller) one buttercream, and NO ocean breeze.. I thought it was rather odd. I just brought what I had to this show... between 8-12 of each scent. It was a dissapointing show but at least some product moved. Nobody was buying soap, I had to offer up discounts and bundles to get it out the door.. body butter and bath bombs were huge. It was a really, really odd show.

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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