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I did it!!


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My first CP batch is currently sitting in my molds as I type this! Just like everyone said, it really wasn't as crazy as I first thought. The only unexpected issue with the lye happened when I opened the bottle. There seemed to be some dried lye inside the child proof cap, so when I opened it, some fell out. Luckily, I had decided to open and weigh the lye in my kitchen sink just in case some spilled so I could wash it down the drain.

I'll let you know how it turns out. I didn't add any FO or color, so it's a pretty boring batch... But I did it!!

Thanks for all the help and encouragement.


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CONGRATS! :yay: the first time is the hardest.

and it won't be boring, even without fragrance. it will be wonderful, and you will be the creator.

i hope you're doing well with your candles....... they can help pay for your soap addiction! :cheesy2:


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Thanks, everyone! Yes, it was fun and I keep checking on my batch to see how it's coming along. I see many more batches in my future... Already planning my next couple recipes!

Quick question... I unmolded one of my silicone loaf molds just now, about 24 hours after I poured it. I'd say the soap (if it's actually soap -- I have my doubts!) is about the consistency of a stick of butter from the fridge, maybe a bit softer. Definitely too soft to cut right now. Also, when I washed my mold, I got no bubbles or lather, just an oil slick in my sink. I'm hoping it's still early, but I'm beginning to wonder if this stuff is going to turn into soap or if something went wrong. Reading the tutorial on Peak's site made me expect to have some bubbles and lather 24 hours later, not just a loaf of butter.

What do you think? Is this normal? I used 3lbs of oils: 50% lard, 20% OO, 25% CO, and 5% castor, 193 grams lye and 517 grams distilled water (used ratios from SoapCalc.net). 5% superfat, no water discount. I soaped when my oils were about 95 degrees and lye at about 100 degrees. Poured when I thought I had a medium trace, covered molds and bundled in towels. I'm kicking myself because I forgot to check temps before pouring. I did note the molds were just barely warm to the touch. I expected them to be hotter. And I never saw any type of gelling. I do have a bit of ash on one of the loaves today, so I guess that means some sort of chemical reaction is taking place!

I hope it's just taking longer since I have no water discount -- what do you think?

Thanks again!

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i hope you're doing well with your candles....... they can help pay for your soap addiction! :cheesy2:


Hee hee... not so great with the candle making -- definitely no where near being able to sell them, not even close to just giving them as gifts (can't be responsible for burning a friend's house down). I think all of these addictions are just going to be a money pit for me -- but that's okay. It's gotta be better than gambling or bar hopping or collecting Coach bags... At least I'll be clean and smell good!


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Yeah, on your new soap addiction!!! Its going to be fine just give it some time to its thing. :)

I think you're right. It was much firmer this morning, and I was able to cut it. I took a small piece to wash my hands with -- I got bubbles and lather! No oil slick. Oh, and it passed the zap test. I had my husband give it a test, too, in case I was missing something -- no zap! Yaaayyyy!! Now I want to make another batch tonight with color and FO... Between my new CP habit and my M&P, I have about 75 bars of soap in my house right now. Guess I have to give some away so I can make more!


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I feel like a moron asking this question but I'm gonna ask anyway....what does the term zap mean?

I do mostly candles and tarts and sprays and the occasional Mp soap but don't know diddly squat about CP and HP but I do love looking at everyones pics of swirly soaps and all :)

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