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A wax mess - Please help

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Hi, I'm new and sorry to be meeting like this. I could sure use some help.

I was too excited to take my pillar out to see what it looked like and it had a crack that ran all the way down the side.

Well, I pushed on it with both my thumbs and....well....wax all over by new favorite sweater.

The wax was palm wax with a wee bit of beeswax. Any ideas on how to get it out??

What was I thinking?? I wasn't.


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It happens... I did something similar recently. :embarasse

You can try ironing the sweater between pieces of newspaper to melt away most of the wax, then launder it in as hot of water as it will stand (don't do this if the sweater is wool!) with a grease-releasing detergent. :)

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This is why I wear old t-shirts and slacks when I'm working with hot wax.

Once I accidently dropped a pour pot full of molten wax with red dye and cinnamon FO in it. My house smelled good but it took forever to clean up the spilled wax. Thank goodness for my heat gun. It helped melt hundreds of those tiny splatter marks on my vinyl floor.

I don't know why I didn't put out my old throw rug but that time I was just in a hurry. The rug or some newspaper on the floor would have helped sop up the spill.


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While chit chatting on the phone making candles and not paying attention I pulled the handle on my large wax melter thinking my pour pot was at the right angle and shot myself in the stomach with molten wax.

I ruined my shirt, pants, shoes and was scraping the floor for days. I also ended up buring my skin pretty bad. No scaring thank goodness.

Not one of my finest moments and I inveted several curse words in the process.

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While chit chatting on the phone making candles and not paying attention I pulled the handle on my large wax melter thinking my pour pot was at the right angle and shot myself in the stomach with molten wax.

I ruined my shirt, pants, shoes and was scraping the floor for days. I also ended up buring my skin pretty bad. No scaring thank goodness.

Not one of my finest moments and I inveted several curse words in the process.

Holy cow! Owie!! glad you are okay. That puts a new spin on lotion wax!

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I pulled the handle on my large wax melter thinking my pour pot was at the right angle and shot myself in the stomach with molten wax. I ruined my shirt, pants, shoes and was scraping the floor for days. I also ended up buring my skin pretty bad.

I hate when that happens.

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funkymonkey, glad it wasn't worse! :shocked2::shocked2::shocked2:

beesknees, I have spilled a lot of wax on my clothing... I just scrape the lion's share off with a flat butter knife, saturate the area with Shout and wash in hot water. That may be all you need to do for your sweater IF it's not wool. You could also try pouring HOT water through the worst areas first (please do this outside and not in your sink!), then launder as above. It just depends on the fabric material. If it's cotton, you have no worries at all!

Poking at cooling palm wax with one's finger is a common way to discover the spurtability index of hot palm wax...


I KNOW better than to do stuff like this, BUT sometimes the light upstairs gets dim...

I was making some candles for myself out of leftover GG palm wax last week, pouring layers. The tops were quite hard, so my idiot self turned one mostly sideways to look closely at something for some silly reason... (probably I poked it too, forgetting to look with my EYES and not my fingers!) The liquid wax spewed out the top and covered my right hand with hot palm wax and spattered my eyelid & glasses. Needless to say, I forgot all about my prohibition against putting wax in my sink and rushed over to the faucet to run cold water over my hand! The burn didn't blister because I was right in the kitchen next to the cold water faucet...

I spent the next hour picking wax from between my eyelashes... :rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2:rolleyes2

Now THAT'S just homegrown stOOOpid!!!:embarasse:embarasse:embarasse

Edited by Stella1952
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Stella that's pretty much what wikiHOW said to do.

I haven't tried it yet. I have a terrible feeling my new favorite sweater became my new favorite candle making sweater.

Ouch, funkymonkey66!

Not necessarily. I have on a pair of jeans that had palm container wax all down one leg just a couple of days ago (had a melter/spigot issue similar to the one mentioned above) I didn't do anything other than run them thru the washer 3-4 times with oxiclean added and it came completely out. Mine was uncolored and unscented but I have gotten mixed palm wax on clothes before and it has always come out for me, even using cold water.

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Jeans are just plain easy to launder! Gotta appreciate 'em!! :)

'Course, I have a septic tank so I don't wanna wash TOO much wax down the drain or I'll be callin' RotoRooter... I don't wanna even think about how many candles I'd have to make to trade out for their services!! *faint*

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You can also 'break' the wax off in little chunks from fabric and then rub it a bit and more wax that turns into a powdery residue will rub off. Once you get the most chunklets and powdery residue off you can throw in the washer. I do that all the time and the wash comes clean.

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