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Needing a body butter base


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Has anyone found a body butter base that is not so greasy? I want to try Aquatech but it is so expensive.....of course I want it as natural as possible too so I am willing to pay a little more, but that is double the cost of The Candlemakers Store's Soy Cream, which I like, but is more a cream not a butter. I also want it whipped so is there a base out there that can be whipped and not be greasy? Am I asking for to much? I usually make my own version, but just want to simplify and just stock the base instead of all the different oils, butters, preservative, etc. TIA

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I have been looking around too. The Essentials one doesn't look very natural. Keep in mind the Aquatech ones include shipping, so that may be where the extra expense comes in. I would like to try the vegetable scrub base as well.

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I checked out the Auquatech samples and you have to get the set, which I only want the Tropical butter. Does anyone know if the new preservative version feels the same as the old? One is a powder and the other a liquid so that's why I was wondering if there is a difference in how they feel.

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Dana, I noticed that about the samples. I don't see why you can't just choose the ones you want. I have not tried either version yet, so I don't know. There is such a little amount of preservative usually, so I don't know if it would be enough to make a difference.

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Checked out WSP. Still not very natural. I want to whip it, so I am leaning on Aquatech's because it is the most natural and it is not already whipped. If I purchase something already whipped, it costs as much, but you don't get as much in the gallon container....I DO want to make a little profit! Anyone else have any input on the Aquatech Tropical or Natural body butters?

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I didn't notice they had a self tanner! Now I am gonna go check that out!

I spent most of Tuesday making body butters and boy, they turned out so nice. I just wonder if a base could feel as good as mine. I just dreaded getting it all out and sanitizing everything and then cleaning up the mess....but when I was all finished and the feel of the body butter was so fantastic, I had second thoughts about using a base. It sure would be quicker though!:confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The tropical body butter from aquatech is wonderful...the best I've found anywhere. Pricey yes...but that includes shipping and that's no little matter going from NY to AZ for me.

I've spent 3 years off and on trying to duplicate it and think I've come close, but like you, I dread cream making day...lots of prep work.

This base is ultra thick and creamy...there is no need to whip it. Just add color and fragrance!

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  • 6 months later...

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