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Need help on lotion shelf life please!!!


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Anyone know the shelf life of lotions from Essential wholesale? I was offered 7 gallons of lotion and baby wash at a huge discount, but she bought them about 2 years ago. Do you think they are still ok to use? I know 1 year is rule of thumb but on their site it says minimum of 18-24 months.

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OK so I am gonna reply on my own post to let you all know of the crazy experience I had today. So I travelled an hour to look at some lotions soap and other bath and body stuff that was for sale on craigslist. I repeatedly asked how old everything was and where everything was from. She told me it was under 2 years old and that she was recently using the bases she was selling. I figured I would take the drive and see what she had. I had a bad feeling about it before I left home. So I went inside her house and she was sooo excited for me to see and take all her stuff that she now says was her sisters and she ended up with it. So first I checked out the lotions, there were 11 jugs from essential wholesale-baby lotion and wash and some not labeled so they were a mystery. I opened up one of the bottles and it was so rancid that I was in such disgust. Same with all the other lotion bases. Then came the soap bases that were wrapped up in trash bags with mold on them. She asked if it was bad because she just made soap with it last week. I told her um not to use it, you would think she would know that answer. Then on to the fragrance oils that the labels were so faded I could not read them and thats not it, after I look at an oil I actually look at them all in the box and they are covered in mold spores. Not just a little but absolutely covered. So I jumped up and ran to wash my hands and then she seemed disgusted too but she still asked me if I wanted everything. I obviously said no and she said that's OK cause she had a few more people who wanted to come look. I told her right away to bag everything up carefully and bring it to the dump. Those lotion bases had to have been over 5 years old the way they looked. Such a waste. So that was my day, thought I'd share. :angry2::angry2:

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Yuck. It doesn't matter if if was 5 years old or 5 days old--if something is covered in mold don't use it!

I wonder where people get the nerve to present something like that, as if there's nothing wrong with it. That's too bad that happened to you, but luckily, you got to see it in person to avoid it. Imagine if you bought it sight unseen and had it shipped to you....:lipsrseal:angry2:


SFIC M&P CO-OP ends Feb. 5th.--still time to get your order in!


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Yeah I was totally grossed out!!! I am definitely glad I got to see it and then walk away. With her saying the lotion was under 2 years old she did say over the phone that she had tons of bottles and jars over 300 so I figured if I didn't want the lotion I would take the bottles and jars. She had them in dirty old trash bags so no of course I did not want those. I'm pretty sure she is gonna try to sell the stuff to someone else as she just did not believe me that none of it was any good. Its just a shame that she would even be proud to show stuff to sell like that.

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OK so I went on craigslist yesterday and this woman is trying to sell the everything again with a new ad. She said the oils just need to be wiped of then they will be fine. She didn't mention that they are covered in mold spores and the soap is quite old. Good luch to the next person that checks it out!!

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Sometimes people do post "RE: Buyer Beware" comments when they know something shady is going on. If you do post though, she will probably know it's you. If all you did was correspond through email you should be fine, but if she has your home phone number she might be able to track you down!

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Sometimes people do post "RE: Buyer Beware" comments when they know something shady is going on. If you do post though, she will probably know it's you. If all you did was correspond through email you should be fine, but if she has your home phone number she might be able to track you down!

Agreed.. if you can do it safely, I would post that you had been there and advised her to throw it out, that they were rancid. You can also anonymously report her to the admins of that particular CL and get her post removed.

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I honestly wouldnt care if she knew it was me that turned her in. you now have to think of other peoples safety especially if she cleans everything up so it looks to be in better shape than what it was in when you looked at it. someone just wanting to start out doesnt know what they are looking for like you do. i would report it to the admins and have them take the posting down. i wouldnt worry about her calling and if she does just tell her one more phone call and you will file a harrassment case against her. that is enough to make anyone stop.

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