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Hinoki Wood - MMS


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Just wanted to post a RAVE review of this! Every man I've had test this so far has freaked, they love it.. want it in soaps , candles, and even had "perfume" requests for it... to quote my BIL "can you make me some man perfume with that?!" You mean COLOGNE Christopher? haha!

Its really nice, not something I would normally try, but wow I'm glad I did. Its VERY strong too.. I usually aim for 1oz PP of wax in my soy candles, as well as 1oz PP of oils in soap... this needed no more than 1/2 and even that was alot. I got some on my wrist and 6 hours later its strong and yummy smelling even after multiple hand washings.

Its really great stuff! I wasnt too happy with the customer service when I stopped in but I cant rave enough about the Hinoki wood.

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i agree on the customer service...they could use some help....badly

i have a sample...i am going to have to revisit it...as the first time..it was not my taste..

but i will recheck it...i have done that before...and later really like a scent...lol

Edited by 8-GRAN-ONES
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Yeah its a shame about their service because they are only 45 minutes away from me... but I spent close to a thousand dollars and the front desk lady treated my like a nuisance! She didnt say thank you, never cracked a smile... It was just awkward. I was really disappointed, and I hear from several other local people they have had the same experience. She wasnt wearing a name tag or I would have written her name down... I'm hoping it wasnt Andee (from the blog) but I have no real way of knowing.

Its an interesting scent.. I wouldnt wear it myself, but the men seem to go crazy over it, I cant wait to see how people react to it at market! My husband said to him it smells a bit like a hippy shop, but in a good way… whatever that means, lol. He doesn’t like Patchouli, so I was surprised he likes this because it says it has a hint of it in there.

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I absolutely love Hinoki Wood. I need to get some more. Still have about 3 oz left...but man...great scent.

Sorry to hear that the CS is not so great. I've ordered from MMS once...and had no problems with my order, but have of course, not been there in person.

I actually love this scent...manly or not LOL.

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i don't think a person would ever know about the attitiude. of customer service...unless you went there...but it is a big turn off...

i just happened to be in that area, made a order and picked it up..and my order was pretty large also..

but was unhappy enough that, i have never ordered from there again..

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I thought about that Trudi.. I've also talked to another member on this board from Utah who went in and was unhappy with the service. I wont go up there again unless I have an emergency and need something right away, so I did feel like I should inform them of that. How long can they get away with treating their local accounts badly

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I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. I always hope that our customers have a good experience with our staff. I will talk to our front counter staff and make them aware of your experience.

If you would rather, you can request that I help you when you pick up your order and I will be more than happy to help you.


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Hi Andee- I have to say it wasnt that it was a bad experience it was just very cold reception, like I was a nuisance.. and nobody likes feeling like that. Experience aside, everything I got was fantastic quality and I've been soaping and B&B'ing non stop for days with everything I got! I really cant say enough good things about the Hinoki wood, either. When I read on the catalog that your FO's are strong and dont need to be used in such higher amounts I kinda thought "yeah right they all say that" but it is VERY true, they are strong and throw fantastic in my candles.

In regards to the service... the other Utah soapers I spoke with said the same thing.. they said it was just a frosty reception. But your online service and blog are fantastic, so I suppose thats why it was so shocking to me, it was a disconnect, if that makes sense. I'm still getting through all the products but I am SO happy with what I got- so I do want you to know that!

I'm glad to hear from you, really. I was going back and forth with myself on whether to say anything. I've worked customer service many years and I know everyone has bad days, so I really debated whether to email and say anything.. I didnt want to get someone in trouble for having an "off" day. But when I heard from other people who had the same experiences, I thought maybe it was important to let you guys know... then I felt guilty because I won the kit and felt like.. damn here I am badmouthing the girl at the front desk when they gave me something so amazing. Ugh its a bad feeling!

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good for you!!!:yay:

how do you enter for it?

Contest on the blog!! Check out their blog.. another winner put in a salt bar recipe that looks really nice. You submit a blog or a video and they announce the winners the next month. I was so shocked I won! I am going to play mad scientist non stop when I get the kit.. downside will be I see myself ordering way too many more FO's from this, lol.

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i appreciate, your posting here too...

what happened to me was last year around june..

i also had never said anything until i saw others post,

about the same feelings i had...

i don't live there, but was in the area, so decided email an order, and to just pick up, and went away not feeling very good...

but with your posting, i will probably buy again..

i understand that anyone can have bad days...but not that many...

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I have always ordered online but 2 times I called in an order because I had questions. I haven't ordered in a long time cause I hardly ever make B&B or soap anymore. But would again because I have had good experiences. Many times I have had to deal with a bitch of a CS person and I usually ask to talk to the owner or their boss. CS is not the job you should be in if you can't make a customer feel good. Some are just not people persons.

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I have talked with our front counter staff and expressed the concerns that I have read here. They do apologize and they will try to work towards helping customers better. I am hoping this will help resolve future issues.

My offer for assistance will remain open for anyone. My e-mail is andee at thesage.com. I'm also in the office every day except Tuesday and Thursday mornings due to school classes, so you can also call and talk to me.

I love the products at MMS but have to say that I don't order very much from them anymore because of the way I was treated when I called to ask questions. It was a real turn-off to me.

I'm not sure who you would have talked to and I apologize for the experience. If you do have questions, you can call our offices and ask for me, Andee, or you can also e-mail me.

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I have talked with our front counter staff and expressed the concerns that I have read here. They do apologize and they will try to work towards helping customers better. I am hoping this will help resolve future issues.

My offer for assistance will remain open for anyone. My e-mail is andee at thesage.com. I'm also in the office every day except Tuesday and Thursday mornings due to school classes, so you can also call and talk to me.

I'm not sure who you would have talked to and I apologize for the experience. If you do have questions, you can call our offices and ask for me, Andee, or you can also e-mail me.

Thanks Andee. I will contact you personally if I have questions in the future.

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