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Sell off supplies or......


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I'm slowly but surely getting out of making candles. After nearly 9 yrs, I'm a bit bored with it, honestly. (I've picked up a few extra "hobbies" such as altered art jewelry, poly clay, knitting and sewing....:rolleyes2 LOL) I'm trying to debate between selling off my supplies and just being done with it or using up the rest of my supplies and then selling finished products until they are gone. I know, ultimately, the decision is mine. I would just like to get people's opinions as to what they would do and why if they were in my situation. Money is tight, so it would be nice to sell a bunch of finished product instead of discounting unused supplies--but my online sales have been drying up this month, so my main source of sales would be @ my 9-5 job. (which have been hit or miss) Gah!!

Thanks in advance for any opinions/comments.

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In 2004 I sold my candle business complete with supplies. I was having medical problems and it was too much physically for me. I had wholesale accounts that I didn't want to have to wait long for orders (gave them 6 months notice to find another source). When I felt better I tried a couple direct sales companies so I didn't have to stock a lot of stuff or think too much...LOL! Both went out of business for different reasons; but when I thought about it I decided that I really hated working for party plans! More medical problems (darn Lupus) in fall of 2008. I am on dialysis now. I searched for months to find something to fill the void with. Kept coming back to candles. Decided I would just go with what I know and love. Just at a slower pace. I am currently kicking myself for not saving my equipment, gadgets, etc. :( I am having to buy it all again. If I were you, I would sell all the supplies. Keep some of it around...ya never know.


btw...votive molds and wick pins...ooohhhh!

Edited by NaturallyTru
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I agree with Trudi... maybe get rid of some of the stuff, oils, wax... but save some of your more expensive supplies just in case. I'm in the same position but opposite! I had a pretty successful jewelry business but I got bored with it... it got tedious making the same thing over and over (my best seller are these pincushion rings that are a PAIN to hand sew and I wasnt charging enough.. but I was selling alot. It made me hate it.) and now I'm contemplating selling my supplies too... but I keep wavering because I still love to make gifts and things for myself. Its a hard decision to make!

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i got rid of everything once, and i regretted it later. I ended up buying everything again lol

if i was you i would get rid of some or most of it but keep enough around that when you want to you can make some when that itch comes back. cuz ya know it will lol

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I was thinking something similar. Sell off your finished products and save the equipment for a while. Then maybe step away from it a while and give yourself a chance to do something else.

If you do decide to come back to candlemaking then you don't have to spend so much money buying back equipment you sold.

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A couple years ago I thought I'd pick up a new small hobby and make some jewelry....meanwhile, a few thousand dollars later, I have tons of beading supplies just collecting dust. I can't tell you the number of times I've thought about selling it off (probably still should), but my life tends to go in cycles with my hobbies. I'll do one thing for a while, then move on to something else, but usually end up coming back to some of them several times.

If this resembles you at all, keep it! Take a break and who knows....perhaps you'll come full circle to it again one day.

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You'll never get the price you want or paid out of your equipment and, as said before, you might decide to do this again later. What's it going to cost you to keep the equipment, a little storage space? Big deal! Been going through the same thing myself but hate to give up all the stuff I have collected through the years and know that someday I'll use it again. Keep your equipment, sell off any perishable supplies and wait to see what happens in the future.

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