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I am sending this message to let everyone know that I have found that many suppliers have been switching suppliers without letting us know. I do not want to mention any names, but I just want to send a message to all suppliers. Please, Please , Please let us know of these changes. You have all been the ones who have made our business what it is. Simply post a note next to the oils on your site that say something to the effect like Banana Nut Bread Reformulated 10/1/09 or something. Don't just assume that if it smells the same from your "new" supplier that it will work fine in all waxes.

FYI, I have called 8 suppliers so far and have found that 3 of them have changed in the last 6 months.

Yes, it is our responsibility to re-test things, but sometimes during busy times, time does not allow for this. If some of you always retest every scent that you order, every single time, than this would not affect you.

Just a heads up. I don't want others to be caught in the situation I am.

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I think that is awful that the suppliers don't not find our business important enough to let us know of changes in a suppliers of their products!! I wonder how they would like it if one of their best selling items was changed on them & they were never told? Seems to me suppliers are not understanding where there bread money comes from when they do those sort of things.

Edited by cdesousa5
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FYI, I have called 8 suppliers so far and have found that 3 of them have changed in the last 6 months.

Just a heads up. I don't want others to be caught in the situation I am.

I appreciate the heads up. Could you please tell me who the three suppliers who reformulated are? Thanks,


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I do not want to slam anyone on here, although it does need to be addressed. I would say to call your suppliers and just simply ask them if they have changed suppliers recently. I found out about one supplier sending the wrong wax. I've used the same wax for 8 years, I think I know my wax. Well, even after calling them on it, I was assured it was the correct wax. Under further investigation I found out that it was not my wax at all (I knew this anyway) and they were just trying to pass it off as my wax as they did not have mine in stock. Today I called a supplier and asked about a scent I have had for years and that I was concerned about the scent difference and I was told they had changed suppliers. Had I not questions this, I would not have known others had changed as well. I was told I wouldn't even know the difference. Well IMO that is for me to decide. I then asked if they were going to post this on their website and they said they really weren't sure how they were going to handle it. I'd say not though since they switched to this supplier over 60 days ago.

Our suppliers are being forced to order in larger quantities and they are looking for ways to save money to keep our costs down, but this is not the way to do it. If I change my Cinnamon Buns candle, I will be posting it on my website so my customers, who have ordered it for years know it has changed. Indiana Candle does just this, if she changes a supplier, she posts right beside it -ex:reformulated 10/1/09. She is doing it like it should be done.:yay:

Anyhow, just please check with your suppliers and hope they tell you the truth. If you are questioning a scent, wicks or wax, there may be reason for it.

Very frustrating day for me.

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I would like suppliers to let us know where they were getting their scents before they changed so that if the new ones are not as accurate, we could find the original source without playing trial & error with a hundred different suppliers!

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, DBC - I am in the same spot with at least one of my suppliers. I used a lot of their scents and the new ones are pale by comparison and several are not even close. One off the top of my head was almonds. WONDERFUL fragrance. When I reordered in a larger quantity, the source had changed and the new "almond" smells more like wild cherry! I am not EVEN gonna talk about what happened to the wonderful nag champa they used to carry that smells like dirty feet from India now... :mad:

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This is really concerning me. I just got the wrong wicks in on Friday. Ordered LX's and got some yellow wicks with metal in them. Obviously not LX wicks as they are bright white and have no metal.

I did call a supplier and ask if they would tell me where they use to get oils so I could try to order direct, or if they could tell me how many pounds I would have to order to make it worth their while to order again. There comment was that the companies minimum was 2000 pounds. :shocked2:

I am literally ill over all this, but I think we will see this happening more and more as our suppliers are being given stricter ordering guidelines from their suppliers.

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One off the top of my head was almonds. WONDERFUL fragrance. When I reordered in a larger quantity, the source had changed and the new "almond" smells more like wild cherry! I am not EVEN gonna talk about what happened to the wonderful nag champa they used to carry that smells like dirty feet from India now... :mad:

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Don't hold back now, tell us how you REALLY feel about those new scents.

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This is really concerning me. I just got the wrong wicks in on Friday. Ordered LX's and got some yellow wicks with metal in them. Obviously not LX wicks as they are bright white and have no metal.

I did call a supplier and ask if they would tell me where they use to get oils so I could try to order direct, or if they could tell me how many pounds I would have to order to make it worth their while to order again. There comment was that the companies minimum was 2000 pounds. :shocked2:

I am literally ill over all this, but I think we will see this happening more and more as our suppliers are being given stricter ordering guidelines from their suppliers.

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Why would I try to get you upset? There are so many different suppliers, I highly doubt we use the same one for Cinnamon Buns. If you want to know, email me and I will tell you, but I will not post on an open message board.

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This thread is not very fair. Whose cinnamon bun is not performing? How can we give you other choices when we don't know whose is bad? I hope you're not just trying to get us upset!

I would like to know too. I am now worried about "who's" Grandma's Kitchen. :confused:

Edited by Holly
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Stella, I do believe I know what almond you are speaking of. I've had the same experience.

I noticed that the product description on the almond has changed... Now it refers to cherry-almond... :rolleyes2

I am wondering if suppliers really smell or use their new FOs to compare to the old ones before they change their entire line... :undecided

The nag champa, BTW, is doing better as it ages in the wax - I still do not like the new fragrance as much as the old, but that stuff DOES gain a lot as it cures! I keep smelling a spent container with 3/8" of wax in the bottom as I wander through the house... :shocked2:

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Hmm that could explain what happened to my old container blend wax. It was perfect from day one, but with the last two cases, the candles started getting some really bizarre air pockets and bubbles in them no matter what I did. I mean HUGE ones. I was completely dumbfounded and rather than waste any more money on it I just switched to 4627, which I found I like better anyway. :confused:

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I did call a supplier and ask if they would tell me where they use to get oils so I could try to order direct, or if they could tell me how many pounds I would have to order to make it worth their while to order again. There comment was that the companies minimum was 2000 pounds.

Yes, but if you call that company, they might be able to direct you to another supplier of theirs who carry the oil you like... ;)

Hmm that could explain what happened to my old container blend wax. It was perfect from day one, but with the last two cases, the candles started getting some really bizarre air pockets and bubbles in them no matter what I did.

We were discussing manufacturer changes/reformulation of fragrance oils - sorry to hear you had problems with your wax. What brand of wax was this? Did you happen to record the Lot number from the case? If it was worth switching to another brand, it sounds serious enough to have mentioned this to others who may be using the same brand of wax and having the same issues... There ARE bad batches of wax sometimes and if no one knows, LOTS of folks lose money!

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My wax was Candlewic's CBL-129. The customer service there, while very nice about the whole thing, swore that nothing about the formula had changed. I couldn't get the wax to a point where I was happy with it, so that's why I switched. It was a pain in the butt at the time but I'm very happy with how my candles turn out with 4627.

I know the discussion was about FO's but the whole thing struck a chord :smiley2: It just seems that it might not be just FOs that suppliers are changing, but waxes too.

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