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PayPal-I'm mad!

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So if you saw my post in the fragrance section about Fragrance By Design, it got me thinking about PayPal. I accept it as a form of payment on my site, as well as regular credit cards. But I'm mad at PayPal!! I'm thinking about just accepting credit cards now and NOT PayPal. Closing my account and telling them to F off lol.

Any downside?

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Actually, I am thinking of doing the opposite. I am going through the process of "trying" to be PCI compliant! I've answered the darn 50+ questions and passed. Now they scan my website every 30 days and I can't pass....WTF! I think it's a ploy for money! I don't have a computer guy at my disposal to answer the damn questions, nor do I have the time! It's BS, if you ask me.

After the scan it gives you a report of what "problem(s)" they detect on your site and you know, I'm a small business, that just sells candles......my web host and cart have never had problems with hacking and the such in 8 years...yea, I know, these days it could happnen, but if I'm not compliant then they assess fees and a bunch of crap like that.

I'd keep PP and do away with CC's. Nothings free and everything has a FEE, so, like Scented said, alot of people are trying to steer clear of those and use cash. Personally, I'm a cash person. If I don't have the mula, I don't buy it! It's just the more practical way of doing business, at least for me.


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When I first started selling online 11 years ago, the only online payment option I had was Paypal. Then a few years later, I added credit card direct processing, and sales went up 150%! Even though the credit card processing has always been good and strong, for some reason, in the past couple of months, Paypal purchases have far outweighed everything else. With the economy the way it is and the renewed interest in paying with Paypal, I would never let it go, especially since I do sell on eBay occasionally(as advertising for my site).:tiptoe:

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Yes, check cards, gift cards, etc. are the highest in fees and also corporate cards.......I think if given the option, people would send a check...there's no cost, and they don't load up their credit cards. It's kinda like going "green", dollars vs plastic.

Yep, that's what I'm doing.

Credit cards are more of my business, in the past, but I think because, now I don't accept money orders or checks, I'm losing business.

PP yes is 99% of what I get now.

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That is one of the reasons I do not purchase from suppliers with pay-pal. I use a debit credit card, so basically I use cash. I have read and heard so many horror stories about people filing disputes and then the one they are filing against closes up shop and no more money. I do not put anything on a regular CC but at least with a CC you can file a dispute.

I would not shut off the option of pay-pal for your customers. Buyers protection should mean that the buyer is completely protected regardless of what the seller does. Sadly it does not happen that way. As for the company that screwed you, I guess you could always look at filing against her in small claims court. In my state, I can sue anyone in the US as long as I did the business in my state. You might want to check into that. At least that way you might be able to get a judgement against her for what she owes plus interest and court fees.


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Well here's my thought on paypal and disputes ... just file the claim and then you freeze everything until you get your stuff, because they can't get their money (none of it) until the dispute is resolved and most of the time pp rules in favor of the buyer.

If a reasonable amount of time has passed and you have no goods, you should protect yourself first. At least IMO. I had difficulty getting communication in regards to a mold once from a couple of companies and neither would respond so I disputed and refused to lift it until the stuff arrived or I got my money back.

If you're using pp, just make sure to empty your acct. frequently if you are concerned about people filing against you.

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I'm not concerned about people filing against me, it's just I think their "buyer protection" is a bunch of bull. I mean, I pay fees...lots and lots of fees to them every single transaction. When I go to buy something from someone else, and get ripped off, you would think there would be SOMETHING they could do but; "you win your dispute but there is nothing in the sellers account so sorry you are out the money".

Like candlemomma said

Buyers protection should mean that the buyer is completely protected regardless of what the seller does
but it's not the case.

It just made me mad and questioned giving them one more red cent.

I know now that when I purchase in the future, I'll never use a paypal balance (I'm going to keep my account down below $1), I'll use a credit card transfer. That way when something goes wrong, I can file a dispute with my credit card and have SOME protection.

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That's the best option. Unfortunately they don't offer more protection and since they are taking more fees, what a shame. I guess you could pursue a case against them in this instance as well, but then you'd likely not get to use pp again too. I think the majority of us all wish there was another option other than them.

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