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how much avacado does it take to be able to call a bar avacado soap


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can someone tell me please. I know the basic bar is often coconut, palm kerrnel, olive, but I add crisco and cocoa butter, or shea butter or what ever is in the cubbard. So just how much does it take to actully be able ot call it a day....Avacado bar

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I met a soap maker at work who says she makes avacado soap and her spa lady said it seems to have made a difference in the pores in her face. I really dont know after two years I am still pretty much a rookie and working on things.

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Go to the store and look at shea butter lotion. Shea is usually one of the last ingredients. They call it that because it has some (even in tiny amounts) shea in it. The same could go for soap. Do I like that kind of advertising, NO!

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Heres the avocado recipe I use:

48 oz water

471 g Sodium H

48 oz Avacado

16 oz Olive

40 oz Coconut Oil

24 oz Palm

and 2 tbsp Avacado added in at trace. 45 g essential oils.

Avacado Oil is only around 37% of the oils, so just over 1/3... but IMO its enough to call it an "Avacado bar". its a well balanced recipe that works well and people seem to love it. Any more avacado oil and I think it would lose some of its harness and longevity. I havent really messed with it though.... why fix what isnt broken!

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