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Anyone ever tried....

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I ordered some couple years ago and I think, if I remember correctly, they are supposed to help with the air flow and help prevent sooting or something like that. They only fit the jelly jars and the jars with openings like that. Changed jars so don't remember results, don't think I especially cared for them.

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They would get hot, but so would any jar, right? Not like you want to grab it, lid or no lid. Anyway, I called the place that sells them and they said as far as they knew, they were only a lid, and not sure if you culd burn the candle with the lid or not. But if it's just a lid, what's the point of having a hole, right? :P I guess I'm going to have to order a few and try it out.

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I wouldn't burn a candle with ANY kind of top on it! Not safe!! Will get way too hot and change the way the candle burns!

You know there are all kinds of toppers made specifically for that purpose, right? They supposedly improve the burn by blocking drafts, etc. are you saying all of these things that are manufactured for that purpose are unsafe? :confused:

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They supposedly improve the burn by blocking drafts

1. The patterns in the top change the air currents - frequently for the worse. Better to burn the candle out of drafts or use a candle shelter/hurricane.

are you saying all of these things that are manufactured for that purpose are unsafe?

2. The top gets HOT! Especially because it's metal! Containers heating up are a big problem for chandlers - the TOPS heating is just as bad, if not worse!

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