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I'm in love with someone else's...

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Keep in mind, a company can name their scents whatever they want. So a similar-sounding name can still render very different scents.

Ex. - I could buy a FO called "country cupboard" but when I get it home it smells like laundry softener, so I package it as "fresh laundry" or something like that. Names can be deceptive. Too bad we can't get a couple other people to put their noses on it. I've been to stores/craft shows before where I smell candles and KNOW what scent/supplier they've gotten it from just from the scent.

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I thought that same thing Sara, if only I could send it to a few of you guys!! Great minds think alike. As far as the name, I kinda thought that but was just goin on what the description said was in, which like you said could be a total bust, she probably don't say every scent it it...think I'm kinda screwed but maybe I'll find something else that's close and save myself the $12 the candles cost...thanks for the thoughts!!!:)



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I have tried Hansel & Gretels House and I do like that one alot! It is for sure a good one. This one that I love smells more creamy too me than H&G. And I can tell by the top it's a parrafin and not much soy if any, I use straight soy so was reading alot on here and think I'm gonna try the 6006, I live in Wisconsin but can get it cheaper at CS than BCN...thought that was kinda screwed up but.....whatever!! Hopefully I'll have as good as luck as others have with this wax!!



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Michele.....I just pulled out an old test candle.....Butterscotch Ripple from Bluegrass.

It's a very nice butterscotch scent. This scent is much better now after it has set. If you order from Bluegrass, give it a try. It's a scent that you could use as a butterscotch base if you are thinking about mixing a few scents.

It would be really nice mixed with CS Hansel & Gretels House. If you pick up any butterscotch scents try mixing with H&G House.

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