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My first containers

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Here are my first container candles ever. I poured 4 with same scent and color. 6% FO Jamaica Me Crazy. In 10 oz apothecary jars. Used Acu Para 30 blend container wax from Swans. I am just not sure orange is the color I want for this scent. Each of the 4 have a different wick that I want to test. So after a few days of cure time, I will see which wick is working better for this wax and jar.

Some other colors I was thinking about was orange and yellow layers. Pink or hot pink...just to be "crazy". Green, orange and yellow layers. Purple. Purple and green layers. I don't know what do you think for color.

I was a little messy with the pour. Maybe because I had the plastic wick centering tools on before I poured...maybe I should wait till just after I pour to put these on?? So I have excess wax on the outside of my jar, what is the best way to get this wax off whithout diturbing the candle inside?

This wax looks creamy and is a one pour...I have flat tops. Still pretty soft on top, some of the wax around the wick came loose with wick trimming. No wet spots so far, but we will see over the next couple days.


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Pretty nice looking. The orange does remind me of a Fuzzy Navel or some other orange juice based drink.

I received Jamaica Me Crazy as a pillar candle from somebody once and it was bright multi-colored chunks with a no color overpour. White, but not really because the wax was so translucent. I remember green and red but can't think of the other colors they used now. It was more than just the two. I remember really liking that scent!

It's fun to pick colors!

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I was a little messy with the pour. Maybe because I had the plastic wick centering tools on before I poured...maybe I should wait till just after I pour to put these on?? So I have excess wax on the outside of my jar, what is the best way to get this wax off whithout diturbing the candle inside?

When I have wax on the sides, I take my heat gun and lightly go over it (not enough to melt the wax on the inside of the jar, just soften the outside wax) and take a papertowel and wipe it down.

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Yeah, this scent should probably be multi colors, but I didn't want to go there with my first containers. This color reminds me of orange juice or pumpkin color.

Thanks for the advice on using the heat gun lightly, just enough to be able to wipe off the sides. I will try that.

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I like the color, looks like a Jamaican sunset, but understand why you would want layers. Your candles look great, nice and creamy with even color and good adhesion from what I can see!! :yay:

I always put my plastic wick centering tools on before I pour. I just pour into on of the areas between the bars, I set my pour pot right on the glass to get as close as possible (which also helps keep the bubbles away). Rarely get any on the outside of the glass, except when someone distrubs me or we have an earthquake during pours! OOOPS!

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Thanks for the compliments. Well Today the candles still look good. One of the 4 has one wet spot, maybe didn't warm that area as much with the heat gun as the others (I pre-heated). Well, I think I will keep the orange for now while I am just testing for the wick, then maybe try to change the color later or add layers. Now I need to wait a couple more days to start to burn them.

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