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Primal Elements?

Grumpy Girl

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I placed an order for some xmas items from a store in CA, and when I got the package they had included a bar of soap from Primal Elements as a "thank you for ordering" type thing. I'd never seen one before or even heard of them, (I obviously live under a rock) but their soap is really cool looking. I could see myself going in debt trying M&P after looking at all the really cool soaps they have. Has anyone tried to do designs like this with M&P? How do they do it?

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Check out the gallery. Michi does some fabulous mp soaps. I have done a few fun things with the few molds I have. I did some fruit slices with clear over pour. As soon as I can get pics I will put some in the gallery.

I say go for it! Try it! MP is fun!

Oh and you don't live under a rock! I never heard of them until now!



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In the B&B swap we just did, one of the participants did an amazing job with some M&P, a lot like the Primal Elements thing - I'm almost 100% certain that it was slaztoo - so you may call her out or PM her if you get interested and need some direction. I know it can be done, but dang, it looks time-consuming and it must take a lot of talent!

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Me too Melly, me too... but we'll go down together. :D

I tell ya, I'm really interested in this stuff after getting that bar in the mail and seeing what Michi has done. She really does some awesome work! I love the curlies that her son did. I haven't seen slaztoo's work but I'm going to search it now.

Just go ahead and kill my checkbook... who has the best M&P base and where can I find the molds for the embeds?


Okay, I just found slaztoo's posts and pictures in the gallery. I'm totally hooked. I pm'ed her for guidance. :)

Now I just have to get moved to the new house next weekend and get stuff put away so I can start this insane addiction.

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For the clear mp base I like WSP the best. The other clear bases I have tried are way yellow. The WSP extra clear is very clear. Just becareful that the FO you are using doesn't discolor it. I like the opaque white from WSP and NG, I can't really tell a difference.

Molds for embeds..there are tons of places. NG has some. You can go to the dollar store and pick up the fun shaped ice trays. I have some with hearts and stars. I am going to try 'em tonight. I got some embed trays at BCN. They are every where. I would decide what you want for embeds first, then go looking for molds.

You could also use cookie cutters. You can also make chunks kind of like you would make wax chunks!

the possibilities are endless!!!

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Hey, I'm having a brain fart/meltdown over here. I was looking around today for tube type molds on the net. I thought this morning that if you could use something like a spritz cookie press thing with the metal discs for shapes that would be too cool, and would possibly explain the weirdo shapes that PE uses. I dismissed the idea until... I ran into this a few minutes ago: http://www.soapequipment.com/shaper/index.htm

And at THAT price... they obviously think too much of it for me to ever own one. But, why couldn't you use the cookie press? It's the same concept that this thing is built on. It also looks like it's made from some PVC pipe and fittings and some type of modified caulk gun handle... humm.

Just tossing out ideas. I think the next time I go to wally world I'm going to see of they have any, and also look at the PVC pipes next time I go to Lowes. I think that I might be able to modify a caulk gun or something with some PVC pipe if nothing else. I'll have to look and see.

What do you think?


I just bought a cookie gun on ebay, we'll see how this experiment goes.

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OMG that is tooo cool, but you're right mighty pricey!! :eek:

I'd love to have something like that, especially after looking at the Primal Elements soaps, I'm thinking they've got to be using something like that for some of the embeds.

Hmmm I don't see why a cookie press wouldn't work if your soap is soft enough for the press to handle. ;)

I'm anxious to hear how it does.

Danielle, thank you so very much, I truly appreciate the compliment. :D

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Isn't it too cool? From reading their site, (and of course I haven't ever tried it) but they say you grind up the m&p and spritz it with water to get it pliable, then stuff it into the gun. They do sell just the discs themselves for $25, so maybe the discs would fit into the press somehow without having to be modified too much. It's going to be interesting that's for sure, but it should be fun to experiment with.

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PE has a designer make millions of tube molds for their soaps, they are awesome, I have done some in the past but nothing like theirs, some of theirs is so intricate that I cannot believe someone can get them out like that. Almost every design is a tube molds, except for the very small flakes etc they use as accent. Can you imagine, some scenes are several tubes of soap and positioned just perfectly.

I have bought theirs in the past just to see how much work goes into each loaf, they must have some very loyal people putting those loafs together LOL


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Really? I wonder where they get all those tubes? custom made probably huh? I've looked and looked and only come up with the same maybe 6 log molds!!

Yep, that's a lot of log laying! LOL Still, they are sooo cool, and I wanna do some like that.

Ok, if I ever get my A$$ out of this chair and away from Candletech maybe I would!! LOL

I've been so friggin' lazy lately!! :eek:

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yeah, they gotta be custom made, my thought was maybe doing cookie cutters and making the bars slab style, doing it in my upland As I can see where on the bars each piece will be placed. There are a huge variety of cookie cutters available, and small details such as eyes can be painted on, or drilled and filled. Just a thought. Might work might not, will need to get some m&p base and play.

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there is a place called chase molds that does custom molds, I can't find the website right now, I will keep looking


**The loafs are very cool, I wanted to do a breast cancer ribbon loaf, I wanted my embed to be a tube in a pink ribbon, could not find one so I used a ribbon cookie cutter and actually made a little log of soap and then took the cutter and sliced it down the log to create the ribbon, It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. LOL I should have just made cookie cutter slices and made individual bars but once I get something in my head I have to do it

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Speaking of Primal Elements, has anyone tried their FBB? I bought some at a craft show and was wondering if anyone knows what they add to it to make it the consistancy that it is? I loved it and was trying to make something similar with a FBB base I bought.

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Wonder if we could modify a cookie cutter with the pasty or cookie press , make it work similar to my sons play dough toy, that is basically what that $200 doohicky is. Im looking at a few books on amazon.com that might help out.




anyone read either of these?

Ive never tried any of the primal elements products, little out of my price range. FBB sounds nice though.

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That's what I had in mind when I ordered the cookie press. The playdoh press thing was what got me to thinking. I also found this:


And thought it was what I had in mind. I bought it, hoping that DH could help me modify new bars, etc. if the concept works.

The books look interesting. I wish I wasn't so broke right now.

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