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Cleaning the wax from pouring containers

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What does everyone here do to clean the wax from their pouring/metling containers?

I currently have a red wax in there and dont know how to clean it all out so i can make some yellow colored candles :)

Or cant it not be cleaned out completely? Do i need seperate containers for each color?

Sorry if this seems a silly question.

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I use the microwave to get it liquid enough to wipe out with a paper towel. I use glass pyrex measuring cups.

If you are using something that can't go in the microwave, then the oven set on the lowest heat.

If I have a bunch of candles to do, I'll just keep cleaning this way. At the end of the candles, I'll clean them out good...then wash with hot soapy water and let air dry.

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Right after I finish a batch I wipe mine out with paper towels before it has a chance to dry. Then I wash with soap and water to make sure I don't get any scent or dye mixed up in my next batch. But If I do have to stop and tend to my kids or something, I just put it back in my boiler and let it melt again them wipe out.

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(I use mostly paraffin) Sometimes I find that wiping out is not good enough for red dye, especially if I need to change to white or a light color. I use either Dis-solveIt or GooGone for these times.

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I place some dampened paper towels on a cookie sheet that is also lined with tinfoil...put my pour pots upside down (so the wax drips out) on the sheet...and put into a 170 degree oven (lowest setting my oven goes down to). I keep an eye on them and check them in 10 minutes or so. The wax has emptied onto the paper towel...and I wipe up any remaining in the pot.

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I place some dampened paper towels on a cookie sheet that is also lined with tinfoil...put my pour pots upside down (so the wax drips out) on the sheet...and put into a 170 degree oven (lowest setting my oven goes down to). I keep an eye on them and check them in 10 minutes or so. The wax has emptied onto the paper towel...and I wipe up any remaining in the pot.

Ditto to this. It is also how I clean my pillar and votive mold. Anything stubborn gets goo-goned.

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I place some dampened paper towels on a cookie sheet that is also lined with tinfoil...put my pour pots upside down (so the wax drips out) on the sheet...and put into a 170 degree oven (lowest setting my oven goes down to). I keep an eye on them and check them in 10 minutes or so. The wax has emptied onto the paper towel...and I wipe up any remaining in the pot.

Me too!:yay:

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alum in micro's is NOT a smart idea in the first place! ;)

I believe she said she put it in the oven... the stove's oven. The microwave would be referred to as a micro, just as you did. Yep, microwaves and metal don't mix.

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We currently use old glass coffee pots for pouring and generally just pop them in the oven upsiade down. Once the residue has melted out they are just wiped with paper towels. I reckon I would make more income if I had shares in the paper towel company. The paper towels seem to feature quite heavily in our trolley when we go to the supermarket to do the shopping :)


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Me too :)

I place some dampened paper towels on a cookie sheet that is also lined with tinfoil...put my pour pots upside down (so the wax drips out) on the sheet...and put into a 170 degree oven (lowest setting my oven goes down to). I keep an eye on them and check them in 10 minutes or so. The wax has emptied onto the paper towel...and I wipe up any remaining in the pot.
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