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J -50 help...I feel like crying............

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My husband went to pick up wax for me yesterday. The supplier is 3 hours from my house on a good day without traffic. Round trip after stopping he was gone 10 hours. 8 cases of wax, 70 cases of jars. No biggie, saved on shipping. Guess what? They loaded the wrong wax in his truck. I use J223, not J50. My receipt even says J223. So, here I sit with 8 cases of J50, I have 600 candles to pour by Sunday, and my hubby is having hernia surgery on Thursday and will be out of commission for 48 hours. Take a guess at how angry I am right now....

So, I need some help. I have used J50 in a pinch at Christmastime years and years ago and mixed it with my J223 because the suppliers in my state were out of J223. How different is J50 and J223? Is the scent throw as good? J50 is a little more expensive also. There has got to be some differences in this wax or Astrolite wouldn't make two of them. Scent hold looks about the same. Pouring temps aren't that different. J50 seems just a tad harder to me. HELP PLEASE!

By the way, I am going to call the supplier tomorrow but I can already take a guess at: "We would be happy to exchange it if you will bring it back."

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The two waxes do not wick the same. The J50 uses a smaller wick in my experience! See if the supplier won't ship you three cases (free) for now so you can make your 600 candles and then return the J50 next week. You don't have time to retest. IMHO Carole

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I am SO sorry this happened to you :(

Not sure if this will help much but the J223 MP is 124* and the J50 MP is 128*. I'd do a comparison test for wicking with the J50 to see if it would be the same of the J223. And yes, I would contact the supplier . . .

ETA - I posted as Carole was posting . . .

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Debbie, I'd love the hear the followup on this and what you ended up doing.

My supplier was out of J223 when I was able to go pick it up, so I let them convince me that J50 would work just the same and it doesn't! Of course, it's my fault and not theirs because they didn't sub the wax--I just ordered the one that was in stock when I could get there to pick it up.

I'm having a terrible time with frosting and cracking--no problems with the scent throw or even the wicking, just the appearance of the candles. End up having to heat gun almost every one of them and I really don't have time for that!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Which supplier did you get it from? I ask because I have found that I like the 223 from the east cost over the 50 but vice versa when in comes in from the west. It is not the same depending on where you get it. The only issue I had with the 50 was air pockets other than that there was not too great of a difference.

Rather than take the risk, I would sooner swap out the wax before the order is due or just order more until you can get it resolved. It's better than running the risk of making candles that may not perform the way you intended. If people complain then you are going to have to eat the candles and remake them anyway.

I am sorry that happend.

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I prefer the J50 over the J223. I like the scent throw better. I also don't like the shrinkage around the wick with the 223 which requires a repour or leveling off with my heat gun.

I don't know what wicks you use but I use zincs. I have used both waxes and found the same size zinc wick I normally use for my candle can be used in either wax.

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The two waxes do not wick the same. The J50 uses a smaller wick in my experience! See if the supplier won't ship you three cases (free) for now so you can make your 600 candles and then return the J50 next week. You don't have time to retest. IMHO Carole

That is exactly what I would do.

There is no way I would substitute a wax that I have never tested for 600 candles not knowing how it performs.:shocked2: That could be a big mistake..

I would explain the situation to the people now, and tell them that they candles will be a day or two late because of the wax situation.

I am sure you do not want to deal with upset customers after, because the candles you made may not be wicked correctly or have a good throw..

Also, did these people only give you a few days to make 600 candles??

Personally, I would much rather know the candles I am making for my customers are wicked properly and burn correctly.

Don't take the chance of preparing 600 candles only to find out later they drown out, or are lacking scent throw, etc.

That is a sure fire way to loose customers and you reputation as a chandler.

I feel so bad for you..

I hope you get it all worked out and your customer is understanding..

I hope you husbands surgery goes well too!!

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