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Christmas Container Candles :)


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Here is what I bought today and what I have made.

The first pic- The Christmas Crock- Well That was during one of my brain farts. I got to melting what was left in my melter.. Duh, as I am checking the temp, I realize, umm.. mistake # 1.. Its pillar wax. LOL But, I wanted the picture up on my website and the customers don't know the difference in a picture. So this one is mine to keep to see how not to have brain farts when melting and pouring LOL.. I think its a cute crok and bought it from Candles and Supplies.. Think I bought 36 of the same one. I ordered another kind but they were out of stock.

All the rest- I went and bought about 10-15 of each at the Dollar Tree and actually made them with the corrected wax. LOL I love these.

Oh- the second one is plastic- so I decided to put tarts in it. It can hold 16-17 tarts depending how you wedge them in there. I thought they can order the tarts and get the container free. Think I will do 16 tarts , free container :-)

3rd picture is some cute glass ( looks like candy jars) .. They had 3 different designs, but I chose these two. :-)




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Here are the other two

I guess, on the first set up pics, the tart one was mislabled.. LOL I am calling it the Tart Jar..

The bottom one is the 18 oz Tumbler. As you can tell, I had just got done doing a second pour so the wax is still cooling LOL

Ok everyone- what do you thinK??




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I really like those santa and gingerbread etc crocks those are really cute! I saw some at the dollar store too. But I wasnt sure if i wanted to mess with figuring out how to wick them LOL. Maybe I still will. :grin2: They are all cute, but I really love those little crocks with the gingerbread and santa and rudolph tops. :smiley2: :smiley2:

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WOOHOO.. I took the one with the rudolf head to my hair dresser today as an early gift since I wont see her before Christmas. I put in "Boysenberry" FO and they lit it and everyone raved about it. I sold 4 on the spot :-) Everyone, go to your local Dollar Tree and stock up.. Just stay away from mine so I dont go back and there are none left. I believe there are 4 different tops to this


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