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I don't think I have read or seen where people put their candles in (local) retail stores and give a percentage when a candle sells or any other product they might want to carry.I am doing this now at a non profit group but there is no business that comes through till they have functions.2 fuctions are coming up soon.

Stores I feel are afraid to buy wholesale and they sit. Still it would be a chance I would take but willing if a store wants to sell them.I would be reasonable and make my wholesale cost and they make a profit too.

Does anyone do this and if so how does it go or do some of you think it is a bad idea??? People ask where to buy my candles but coming to my house some act like they are wanting in their area or a storefront. I have no store. Online would be shipping cost.

Any help or ideas???

Note: I would set up my display or use a place the store MIGHT have.Whatever they want.One of my suppliers mentioned beauty shops but they don't have the money to buy up front.


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For stores that are afraid to buy upfront, you could do consignment. I do that with a local store. They collect the money and then pay me my percentage at the end of the month. I also let them know that they are responsible for their percentage still if something gets stolen...that way they keep a good eye on my stuff. I replenish once a month or more if needed and keep track of their inventory for them. I don't have any stores that purchase wholesale yet, so can't help you there.


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I hesitated about consignment after reading about some bad experiences folks had doing this. However, after some serious consideration I decided to give this a try. So far, this has worked very well for me. The shop owner is wonderful, and this has been a positive experience for me.

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I guess that is pretty much what I mean.Consignment. Just not sure if some store will do that in this area.Most buy YANK** and they just sit so why not??? By the time they pay wholesale they are spending a bundle. I am going to keep a eye on my candles.I wasnt asked for a count on them for the non profit group but i know what I have in there. will see what i get paid (whenever that is).So far not many are sold. If I stay there I will give them a total the next time what is in my stock.

What types of stores do you have your candles???Did you take them samples etc.


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I also do consignment at a couple of places and it has worked out very good. The store owner lets me know when she needs something and I will also call and check to see what is going on. You just need to know who you are dealing with for it to work I think.

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This year I had vowed to approach more wholesale accounts. In the process of doing so, and with the economy, the only way to get my products "in" is to do the consignment. It is a bit more work for me since I follow up either weekly or twice a month. Still - it is working and I have gotten my foot in the door at new places. The upside is if stuff don't sell I got the option to move in what does. I make this clear in the beginning. I think they shop owners like it to since product isn't sitting for long periods of time. If it don't move at all, both parties learn from the experience and I take it out at my discretion. There's no money up front but still it seems to be working. I am going with the flow . . . .

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My experience has been that consignment is a great way to get in to a place but then I prefer to switch it to wholesale after I have proven that I have a sellable product. Consignment is very hard to keep track of, especially with candles and switching scents, jars, etc. Once I switch a store to wholesale, I still offer to keep them in "fresh" inventory if the store is local. For example, if fall is approaching I will take in some fall scents and take out the leftover summer scents.


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After I posted this today I have another consignment.Just happened. It is another non profit group.They might be busier than the other group but some slow times. I called her about something else and mentioned I will be busy in the fall when I do craft shows. I was kinda hesitant to tell her it is candles(lots around here) but she was OK with that. Said they have gift shop and why don't I put candles in there.I am taking her a couple samples on Friday. In the fall this group is super super busy. They have many functions and I see cars parked to the end of the property.I would say maybe 500 cars but they come and go. :yay:

Have a fundraiser going on soon too.Made up some flyers for the organizer of that and some spread sheets. Still I am worried about the economy.

The 2 orgs are completely different and 10 miles from one another it will be OK. Don't want to fringe on each others business.

Like Brenda said I am wondering about the overflow and what doesn't sell. I would love to do stores. Someone told me about a hardware store(strange) that sells candles.The person mentioned I should talk to them.That store is maybe 25 miles from me. My sales pitch could be people asked me to get my candles out there and mentioned his store. :laugh2:


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