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Barbara remembered yesterday that Rotary had their huge party/fundraiser last night (which in this town is 75% of the people who buy anything), so traffic was much slower than usual, but I still had a fabulous night! I made about $100 in an hour, just from foot traffic, and then John (Barbara and John are married and own the boutique) bought about 3/4 of the stock that I didn't sell, all the candles and some B&B stuff. So, I've got myself a new wholesale account, and they told everyone last night about this "brand new product line" that they're excited about, whoo-hoo!

I sold enough of my own retail that I have a nice little infusion of cash to help with R&D and the check from the boutique is going to go right back into the business! Barbara also wants to take me to Dallas for Market in January to the ritzy-ritzy showrooms to introduce me to her contacts. This woman is a gift from God, I tell you what.

Thanks for talking me down off my ledge two days ago, you guys really helped calm me down, and I'm so grateful!

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