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My neighbors daughter ordered acouple candles from me and when she came to pick them up she really started talking about how creamy and nice they looked. She asked me if I did Parties. I told her I didn't have the stock to do parties and plus I am not a talker in front of people, one on one I can talk up a storm so we talked a while and decided on an Open House. Now we thought I could bring what I could, and take orders. If the people paid at that time I would have the money to get my supplies. My question is has anyone else done this to get you started? Were your sales down cause they had to place and order. What I do take will be cash and carry. I thought gift baskets would probably be a good seller. I really want to do this as I think it would be good right before xmas.

I am really nervous about this so need some support here.


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I think your plan sounds very good........take what you can and then take orders for the rest. When you go to a HI party or something like that you dont get your stuff right away but have to pay and Ive seen some people shell out some big bucks for something that is mass produced.

BTW - Congratulations on taking the step, I know it seems like you wont be able to do it but I bet you will be great! :yay:

Good luck to you and let us know how it goes!!:grin2:


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YOU CAN DO IT !!!!! Since I have had the pleasure of burning some of your candles I know that you have a great product and I have seen your gift baskets in the gallery and they are beautiful so take what you have made up and take orders for the rest. I have been to many of the big name candle parties and you have to wait weeks for your candles and you also have to pay up front so I don't think anyone would have a problem with that. No need for you to be nervous, your stuff will sell itself!!

Sending mega good vibes your way!!!!!!!!!

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Oh yes, I do it that way and no one seems to mind. I always let them know when I will have the orders ready, usually within a week, but if you have to order supplies they will have to understand it will be a few weeks. You'll do great, I love house parties, people are there to buy or they wouldn't come. And this is the perfect time to do one. JUst take what you have and prepare for orders for the rest. Good Luck!!

BTW, I wrote down what I wanted to say at my first party cause I am not a "stand up in front of people and talk" type of person. I was scared to death. I rehearsed my talk day and night, and it helped me so much. If I hadn't done that I probably would have just stood there and looked like some fool with a blank look on my face, not being sure where to start. The more you know about your products the more confident you feel when talking about them.

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Whooo Hoooo WTG girl!! :D

The only thing I'd be concerned about is that you said you would need to order supplies for these orders and if you're doing this before Christmas people will most likely be buying these for gifts and would need them before Christmas obviously, and time will be a concern, so make sure you time it just right. ;)

Other than that, I'd say go for it, I wish someone would ask ME to do that, as it is, I'm trying to put one together here at my house, but time is getting away from me, and it doesn't look like it's gonna happen. :(

Good luck to you and can't wait to hear how well you did!!!

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that's everyone. I needed that. she said either a Sat or Sun afternoon. I left a message for her to call me as it will have to be Dec 3 or 4 because of ordering stuff. I will let you know. i am trying to make a list of things I need for setup. i just keep telling myself I can do it, i can do it. LOL

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Here's some more incentive. I only wholesale but I have a customer in another state who hosted an open house two weekends ago. She took one of every scent and took orders. She did sell her samples after everyone was able to smell them. Her total for that show was $1485. So jump in and roll your sleeves......

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