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Dudes - I'm freaking the heck out.


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I have my first public appearance/show thingie tomorrow - I don't really know what to call it. One of the two high-end boutiques in my town has been helping me over the last week about how to market my products, and is having me set up at her boutique, as a hometown artist type spotlight. She's going to also start carrying some of my products in her store (and ALSO set me up with her sales rep that she buys from that has a showroom at Dallas Market, and the sales rep decided to rep my candles for the South Texas area, for now) - so it's very exciting, but I"m just about to blow a gasket.

My husband unexpectedly and unavoidably had to be gone all day today and tomorrow, and I have an almost-two-year-old that is REFUSING to nap. Seriously, as I sit here typing this, he's in his room doing a full-volume war whoop and hollering, "MOMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" My mother is having back surgery today, so she and my dad can't take him, our backup honorary aunt just flew to Dallas for a few days, I just found out that I ran out of my 4 oz PETs, and I'm very low on my 8 oz PETs, so I have to change some of my products that I'm taking. I haven't labeled any of my candles, am waiting for my lotion to set up, in hopes that it's thick enough (another out-of-stock item, so I had to sub, ARGH!) - I'm just completely overwhelmed.

Please don't tell me to get off the computer and work, I've been busting my butt all day and just needed 10 minutes to veg before I get back to work.

Any well wishes and "don't lose it, girl!"s would be much appreciated right now...I just don't want to embarass myself and the boutique owner tomorrow. She has really gone out on a limb for me, and has even sent a press release to the paper for this, and I want her to be glad that she has affiliated her store with me, KWIM? Thanks for listening.

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Hey kiddo,it'll all come together. Take another ten minutes and have a cup pf coffee, hmmmmm....maybe decaf? Just kidding!:D

Don't fret! I always have a back up plan because everything happens at once around here, too!:shocked2: You'll get everything done and if you can't just do a few of the lotions and take orders?

As far as the speaking engagement, just pick the middle of the group and focus over their heads just a tad.... then go from the left and then the right.

BTW I wish your Mom a speedy recovery.

I wish you the very best! :highfive:

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WHY didn't I think of the sucker thing? Ah, he finally went to sleep after an hour, but at least I got a poopload of work done. Everything's coming together this morning, and I might actually be ready, whoo-hoo!!!!!!!!! I'm getting really excited!

Oh, and I didn't have a glass of wine, but does a Xanax count?! :P

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Danielle, I'm a little late chiming in, but see you didn't even need me, you got through it and look, you said yourself you're ready to hit them hard!! :D

How friggin' exciting (and nerve wracking I'm sure), this sounds like a GREAT opportunity to get the exposure you need for your products to just take off.:yay:

You have some superb products, they present really well, and basically sell themselves, so this could be IT girl.

Hang tight, and breathe deeply, and oh yah, xanax is good very good!! LOL

I can't wait to hear how it goes!!

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