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Ok guys- I feel horrible asking this....I spoke to someone in my city a long time ago asking what was required by law when selling cosmetic and bath and body products (meaning what to put on the labels, what need preservatives, etc.) Well, anyway, she directed me to some lab where the woman told me what needed to be listed on the labels and that the only things needing preservatives were things with water in them, such as creams, or things that people may stick their hands in. Soooooo, I put preservatives in my body butter, and in my air freshener spray (which someone said I didn't need). And I just had a customer call me to ask if I use a preservative in my other products- and I don't! I currently carry shower gel, bath bombs (but not for much longer!) lip balm, shea body butter, bath teas, bath salts (in the tubes) air freshener spray & carpet freshener. Do any of these need preservatives? I get my shower gel from WSP and they told me that it already had a preservative- do I need to add more? Please help!!! I feel retarded now! :) Nothing new...

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I don't think you HAVE to, especially in some of those, it's just not necessary at all.

Why was the lady asking? You could always tell her you don't put it in certain products b/c it's not necessary, but of course these products only have a shelf life of (whatever time limit your product has??), and you feel like why put unnecessary chemicals into a product when it just isn't necessary, etc.

Of course take what I say with a grain of salt, cuz I'm by no means whatsoever an expert on this stuff. LOL

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I don't have the exact answer for your question but I would put perservatives in anything that has water in it or may be have water get into it.

Looking at your list I would say that the shower gel, should have perservative in it. But if it all ready has it you shouldn't add more. Sometimes more is not always better.

And some people do put preservatives in the body butters.

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Maybe the lady was asking because she doesn't want preservatives in her products. I know I am getting away from this as much as possible. Especially with all the parabens showing up as being dangerous now.

Why would you need preservatives in shower gels, being a type of soap I would think you shouldn't need anything.

I wouldn't put preservatives in any of the products you mentioned. Maybe the body butter, but since it doesn't have water I wouldn't think it would be a big deal. There are a lot of lip balm makers that don't use any. Check your health food stores.

I tell people I don't use preservatives for a reason. I also tell them how to handle the products to get a longer shelf life, and inform them that the shelf life is not as long as if I were to use a preservative.

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Well, she had asked because she said she doesn't want mold in her stuff and that her sister used to make body products until they started growing mold and then she stopped. I do put a preservative in my body butter just in case someone sticks wet hands into it, and I have it in my air spray (since I use distilled water) But I wasn't sure about the shower gel (that was this lady's main concern), the lip balm or the bath salts. I ASSUME people won't be dunking them in water or anything, but the salts, come on....salt IS a preservative...anyway, she was giving me the third degree about everything, and I really felt as though I may have messed up!!! Thanks guys!!!

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How refreshing, someone actually *wanting* preservatives. Nice to see that they understand what can happen.

I wouldn't put preservatives in lip balms or the salts, but the shower gel, I agree with the others, I'd add a preservative to that.

But since WSP already has preservative in it, then you shouldn't add more. Too much preservative can be irritating to the skin.

But, if you don't trust the preservation of a base, you should send some out for a APC test, for example to someone like Sagescript http://sagescript.tripod.com/id31.htm or your lab person you were talking to.

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Thanks Robin- I was hoping you'd pop in here! :) I've used this shower gel base like a thousand times...and I use it in a container where I leave the top off and water gets in it frmo the shower all the time, and nothing has happened to it, but perhaps I'll get it tested. Thanks so much!!!


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