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Bulk coconut oil


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In the past I have always purchased coconut oil from Walmart. A supplier not far from me just started offering coconut oil. I purchased 50 lbs and tried the 100% / 20 SF coconut soap and as soon as I poured in my lye it turned into stiff mashed potatoes immediately and rendered my stick blender useless. So, I tried a second batch thinking I did something wrong. Same thing. My question is, when you purchase bulk coconut oil is it brittle? It is alot different than the louann that I have purchased in the past. It also feels waxey. It smells different too. I am beginning to think that there might have been something added to this coconut.

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I would to, because coconut usually doesn't (hasn't with me) done anything like that. i buy the 50lb size from Columbus Foods too. Mine isn't brittle.

I buy the 50# bucket of the 76 from Columbus Foods. I have a coooool house (55 when I'm at work, 50 at night - and the heat's at 76 for only 4.5 hours on a weekday. I chop mine with a knife and take out chunks of it.

In the summer though, or toward the end of a weekend when I've had the heat on more it's softer.

I'd def get an ingredient list and ask.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Ox_B_love

i use fractinated coconut oil is that good?? I didnt know between 72 degree or fractionated but the fractinated sounded more like it was for lipbalms like i wanted:wave:

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i use fractinated coconut oil is that good?? I didnt know between 72 degree or fractionated but the fractinated sounded more like it was for lipbalms like i wanted:wave:

Fractionated CO is a liquid oil, 76 degree CO is a solid oil.

FCO is pricey, CO is cheaper.

FCO is good for formulating, CO is better for soaping.



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