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another name for CS frankincense and myrhh


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i've seen the renaming suggestions here and some of you are really good at it! i am NOT, so i need your help.

this is a great clean smell, not at all what i expected when i ordered it, but i love it! maybe i don't really know what F&M should smell like, i thought it would be a heavier smell, "incensey" as the name implies.

i want to keep this all year long, but i don't think people will even look at it (except at Christmas) with the original name.


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quack soap, as far as religious or not, either would be fine for me, not so sure about the people buying. i'd love to hear both kinds of names.

i'm hoping eventually to do a fundraiser for my church's Christian school, somewhere down the line.

candybee, did you post your Christmas scents and ask for help? i love the CS cranberry marmalade, want to sell that one all year too. same with the mistletoe.

thank goodness we have talented people here who can help us. who knows candybee, maybe one day we can return the favor!

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for Christmas time you could call it Three Wise Men, Gift of the Magi, or Creche. For everyday maybe Oriental Incense (although might not work if you say it's light), Oriental Treasure (and any twist with Treasure in it), Cherish, Worship. That's all I can think of right now.

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Incensey FOs make me think of the Middle East. So maybe something like 'Rajah' or 'Taj Mahal' would work for a rename.

Hmmmm..... You just gave me an idea. I'm a bellydancer and our troupe name is 'Malaika', which is an Arabic word for 'angels'. I need to come up with an FO to put that name with.

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hi candybee (and anyone else who know the candle science F&M),

but do you find it to be a true F&M? my friend, who is an F&M afficianado, says it's really not. that being said, i thought a different name would "work". if it really does smell like it's name, then maybe i should leave it alone.




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hi candybee (and anyone else who know the candle science F&M),

but do you find it to be a true F&M? my friend, who is an F&M afficianado, says it's really not. that being said, i thought a different name would "work". if it really does smell like it's name, then maybe i should leave it alone.




Its my 1st F&M so I have nothing to compare it to. So I couldn't say if its a true scent or not. I'm just looking for a different name so it won't sound christmassy.

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hi candybee,

well we're both in the same boat with nothing to compare it to.

i thought i should change the name too, but people who really like the scent apparently don't care that it sounds Christmasy. and even tho she said it doesn't smell like F&M, my friend still loves it. :cheesy2:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I made 100's of Christmas tarts. Had some left over. I renamed them. All are sold. It didn't seem to matter what I named them. As long as it wasn't Christmas, they sold. Just had a few left over,last year. Didn't rename them and still had them for this Christmas.

I just sniffed them, and whatever came to mind, I named them.

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hehehee...I named one of mine "One Night in Bangkok", yes like the song...and it sold like crazy. LOL

Cranberry Marmalade I sold as "Night Before Christmas" but having a hard time renaming it as something else. However, just as the original name its still selling, especially for those who have already previously bought it. Its got a wonderful throw.

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